What is Christian Porn?

Jay Dee

What is Christian Porn?

Nov 23, 2012

Today we’re going to talk about Christian porn and whether such a thing actually exists. I do a lot of research about sexuality and theology. Those are the two biggest areas of research in my life. It’s no surprise, then, that I eventually started a blog

Today we’re going to talk about Christian porn and whether such a thing actually exists. I do a lot of research about sexuality and theology. Those are the two biggest areas of research in my life. It’s no surprise, then, that I eventually started a blog exploring the intersection of these two interests. But my research is not limited to the Bible and personal experience. Before you get scared, let me explain:

I read a lot of books about theology, I also read blogs, and talk to many differing people. I talk to Atheists, Muslims, Buddhists, Agnostics, and people of many other faiths. I also discuss what I believe with as many people from other denominations as I can find because I’m not arrogant enough to think that my denomination, or even Christianity, has it 100% figured out. Don’t get me wrong, I believe Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life, but I respect the Islamic focus on prayer and fasting, the Buddhist focus on peace, Mormon’s devotion to the family and the priesthood, the United church’s focus on accepting everyone, and many many others.

So, what does this have to do with sex within marriage? I also do a lot of research outside of the Christian sphere in regards to sexuality. I read books from humanist authors who push evolution when discussing sex. I listen to Podcasts from non-christian speakers who make fun of Christian family ideals. I read blogs from ex-Christians who think we’re all nuts for thinking there is a God. Why? Because the fact is, there are not many Christians doing ground-breaking work in the sphere of sexuality. So, I listen, I read, I discuss and argue, and I distill it all down, cross-reference with the Bible and what I believe and then, if there is something to be gained from it and it doesn’t contradict the Bible, I share it. This is not the impetus of many of my posts, or even the bulk of my content in a single post, but I learn here and there, little tips, little bits of information, research that is being done and such that help to strengthen the Christian ideal of marriage as God intended. A prime example of information I’ve shared is the post Is Sex A Need Or A Want?

Why the world thinks we need Christian porn

Lately, I’ve been hearing the strangest phrase pop up all over the place: “Christian Porn”.  Usually, the context is something like “we need to start making Christian Porn so they [Christians] will get off our case about our [secular] porn.” Generally, the co-host, audience, guest, whatever thinks this is a great idea. I’m usually sitting in my car, in traffic, staring at the radio thinking, or yelling, “Christian Porn can’t exist! It’s an oxymoron!” I mean, the whole idea is ridiculous isn’t it? They don’t understand the idea of keeping yourself for your spouse, of not sharing your sexuality with anyone but your spouse, of keeping your mind purely for your mate. I realized the entire concept is so foreign to them. It has to be completely alien, or none of these people would even suggest something like producing Christian Porn for general consumption. Most thought it was as easy as videotaping a married couple having sex in the missionary position, and that would qualify. Mind-boggling.

When Christians think we need Christian pornography

Sadly, a few years after initially writing this, I started to come across Christians who apparently agreed. They, as Christians, started making porn for Christians. I couldn’t believe it. Some were doing videos, but most were peddling erotica, which to me, is not any better. My past porn addiction included both, so I definitely see how they’re both harmful. As well, I get a lot of emails from people who share how both video and literary forms have damaged their marriages.

They will use the exact same justifications that the secular world was joking about. They only have married people in the stories or videos. They’re only having sex with each other. Therefore, it’s perfectly okay for everyone else to be involved by watching or reading about it and getting turned on.

They’ll further try to wrap it in a Christian blanket by saying their intent it to improve intimacy in marriages. I’m truly saddened by how many Christian men and women fall for this. I’m frankly sickened by the people who are deceiving everyone. I know they’ve deceived themselves, but man, they will fight you with everything they have to hold on to this sin.

Many of their readers and viewers never do share it with their spouse – which shows you that they know it’s sin. Of course, they probably rationalize that their spouse is too conservative and doesn’t understand the principle. It’s amazing the knots we twist ourselves into when we want to justify sin, especially sexual sin.

But, their marriage is still being negatively impacted by it. How could it not be, with a husband or wife who secretly has an entire sex life without their spouse, watching or reading porn that just feeds dissatisfaction with their spouse?

Again, I know, because I experienced this in my own relationship years ago. For years, I knew it was wrong and I wanted to stop, but my brain didn’t want to. Why would it? Pornography is a drug that’s very difficult to get free of.

For those who are struggling with a pornography addiction – you can get free of it. The images will fade in your mind. The new desires you have can be pulled back. You can focus on your spouse for your physical needs like God intended. Quitting was one of the best things I ever did for myself, my marriage and my relationship with Jesus. For years I knew that my church life and my porn habits were contradictory, but it’s hard to quit sexual sins.

I really only did when it finally collapsed and my worlds collided – when my wife asked me point blank if I ever watched porn. Sexual sin can’t survive in the light of day. If you’re open and honest about it, you can quit and be released from the addiction. That doesn’t mean it won’t be a struggle anymore, but as long as you’re hiding it, it will grow and fester in your brain, damaging your relationship, both with your spouse, and your spiritual relationship with God.

Is there any truly Christian pornography?

Then, something happened to change my mind a bit. No, I’m still not thinking the way they are. I still believe that kind of pornography is bad, that it goes against God, the Bible, that it’s sexual sin and has no place in your life, your marriage, for any Christian. But I did have a bit of a paradigm shift.

I was gone for the first 12 days of this month on a mission trip. Now, in the past, during our “barren winter” season of our marriage, when we were sexless (by the clinical definition), 12 days without sex wouldn’t have phased me. Truth be told, I that porn addiction that was feeding that need (in the same way junk food feeds a need for nutrition…). Now that I’m free of it, 12 days without intimacy is torture. Not just the lack of sex, but not seeing my wife, not talking to her (we managed to a couple of times, but not like when I’m home), it all compounds together. In fact, I think I have a new rule: no long trips without my wife again, it’s just too hard.

Anyways, before we left, my wife did something that absolutely blew my mind: She suggested I take some nude photos to “remember her by”. I was stunned but in a good way. We’ve never done anything like this before. 

Now, before I continue, disclaimer: Any time you take naked pictures or do anything digitally that you don’t want someone else to know about (by that I mean you’d be embarrassed if they found out. If you’d be ashamed, which is different, then you probably shouldn’t be doing it, or you need to change your definition of shame), make sure you take the necessary precautions. So, I took 4 pictures that were naked, but not explicit. Note: the purpose of these was not masturbatory aids. They were to “tide me over” until I see her again. I have to say, it helped a lot.

My second last night I managed to get WiFi access, but no privacy (no one could read what I was writing, but there were other people in the room), and we were chatting with a lot of “I miss you”, “I can’t wait to feel you again” sort of talk, but nothing explicit. Nevertheless, it definitely got me worked up, and so, after we said our goodnights, I couldn’t sleep. So, I decided to try my hand at writing erotica, for my wife. Now, this was outside of my comfort zone, but I thought about it, and decided it wasn’t against one of my hard boundaries, or my wife’s (as far I knew) and pushing our soft boundaries (our comfort zone) is how we grow. In 2 days, I wrote 3 parts (a page or two each part) and sent them to my wife. She got the last one after I was home already.

Now, I don’t know if it was the stories or the separation, or both, but man, that was good sex. We talked about them and we agreed it was highly erotic (for me to write and her to read and, more importantly, both to share) and we should do it again. I’ll probably write more about this in the future, there’s just too much to tackle in a single post.

So, this brought me back to: What is Christian Porn? I couldn’t find a definition anywhere (surprise surprise), so I’m going to make one up. Here we go:

Christian Porn: Media created by a marital unit, involving no one but the members of said marital unit (in the creation and content), for the expressed consumption by the same marital unit.

– Jay Dee, UncoveringIntimacy.com

I hope that’s both restrictive and free enough. Feel free to quote me.

What about you, have you tried something like this in your marriage? If not, are you open to the idea, or not? 

100 thoughts on “What is Christian Porn?”

  1. Lisa Headley via Facebook says:

    Yes, I love this! My husband and I do this with each other some times. Each time we do, it is a deep bonding experience. <3

    1. Jim says:

      I would be TOTALLY into this if I weren’t so worried about a divorce proceeding 🙁

      1. Anonymous says:

        Clearly, I don’tbknow all the details, but…

        That sounds like a step to strengthen the marriage, tbh.

  2. Sex Within Marriage via Facebook says:

    Thanks Lisa, was starting to think we were alone here! No comments or anything until now, either on the blog, twitter, Facebook, nothing.

  3. Felicia McRay via Facebook says:

    Interesting 🙂

  4. Paul H. Byerly says:

    Lori and I have been accused of doing “Christian Porn” eve since we started TMB 15 years ago.

    There are some sites out there which do “Christian Erotica”. The stories are all within acceptable biblical limits, but they are explicit. I have no problem with a husband and wife writing such things for each other (as you did) but I am concerned about then sharing those stories with others.

    1. Jay Dee says:

      Yeah, I’ve been told that TMB is porn before too, but generally they have made that assumption on a 2-5 second look, and preferred keep their marriage in a broken state and not discuss it.

      I’ve also seen those sites that you mention. Yeah, I’m not sure where I sit on those. There are some that you pay and they will write a custom story for you, and that just seems dead wrong to me. Others that are more computer generated and you “fill in the blank” with you details, I’m not sure. I think I’d err on the side of caution and just write your own. Save you some money generally as well.

      And yeah, I’d never share the stories I wrote. It is one thing to discuss what you do in the marriage bed in generalities, and quite another to let loose the nuisances of the situation and specifics of your fantasies with each other. I see no good coming from that, or at least much more harm than good.

      Thanks for weighing in Paul.

      1. Lorrain says:

        My husband belongs to a christian erotica sight…he submits stories about our encounters ..very graphic etc and people comment on them ..he will also comment on theirs..saying it was such a turn on. It seems saying God Bless at the end makes it all acceptable…i feel betrayed and he does not seem to see the problem.

        1. Jay Dee says:

          I think I’d probably email the site owners and demand they take them down. That’s not right, and you have a right to your own privacy concerning that information I think.

          As for your husband, I’d love to have a word with him…

        2. Marc says:

          Hearing this guy stress over and over that the private conversations and images between him and his wife were “not explicit” fills me with a strange sadness.
          But I am not the intended audience for this however.

    2. Anonymous says:

      What is TMB! Thanks

      1. Jay Dee says:

        The Marriage Bed, Paul and Lori’s ministry

  5. Anon Y. Mous says:

    I like that definition, we’ve lived by it. I have some stunning photos of my wife, some of them professional taken (female photographer) and I’ve written her some very hot and erotic stories. By us, for us. She is my centerfold.

  6. Michael Flud via Facebook says:

    I just read this article last night and I’ve been thinking about it. I truly get where you’re coming from with this, however I have a problem with the phrase “Christian porn.” The word pornography is from the greek words porneia and grapho. Grapho means writing or pictures (we get graphics and graffiti from this word) and porneia means “sexual immorality.” So by definition there can be no such thing as Christian porn or married porn because porn means sexual immorality. There is nothing immoral about sex within a marriage, Christian or not, so by definition there cannot be Christian porn. That would be like saying, “Christian sexual immorality.” No such thing. Now you might change it to Christian eroticism for that comes from the Greek word eros which is more of a sexual love and longing for someone. And I certainly hope every marriage and especially every Christian marriage has erotic feelings for one another! if not, get counseling for that immediately!

    But aside from that, I wouldn’t see a problem with doing these things, per se, just as long as you remember that sex is about relationship, not simply getting a thrill or having an orgasm. No picture or story can replace being with my wife. But as long as that foundation is there and as long as the couple doesn’t become dependent on it where they couldn’t be physically intimate until a story had been read, then I could see how that would be a fun and creative way to connect while apart. But for that matter, don’t wait until you are gone on a 12 day trip. Just a regular 8 hour workday is still being away from each other all day. It would certainly be nice to receive a suggestive email/text from you spouse to build anticipation for later that night. And I think that’s at the heart of this: building anticipation. That’s what you need to focus on building throughout every day whether a long trip is involved or not. The anticipation is what builds to an exciting finish, i.e., a hot time when you do get back together again.

    1. Eric M. says:

      This is very well said. I agree 100%. My mom (ordained minister & reverend) and I have discussed this topic to extent. We are tired of seeing Christians embrace worldly terms, concepts, and acts in the efforts to try to use them for good. We both agree. The fact of the matter is, God made sex beautiful and perfect in the confines of the marriage bed. It speaks for itself. We needn’t use or take any of the worlds words or ideas when God can give us fresh words, fresh ideas, and fresh experiences in our marriages and ESPECIALLY in our marriage beds. Great post and very interesting article Jay Dee! 🙂

      1. Jay Dee says:

        Thanks, glad you liked the post.

        For a rebuttal though:

        Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.
        -Corinthians 9:19-23

        Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: “People of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. 23 For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship-and this is what I am going to proclaim to you.
        -Acts 17:22-23

        You may have to take it up with Paul, this trend of using things of the world to explain God’s stance…

    2. Anonymous says:

      But what if your wife is ok with it

  7. Sex Within Marriage via Facebook says:

    That’s a very good point Michael. I honestly wasn’t thinking about the root words, more trying to point out the ridiculousness of the idea of mass producing “Christian Porn”. I think in our modern English context, the term pornography has changed from the Greek root of “porneia” though. Wikipedia defines it as “the explicit portrayal of sexual subject matter”. So, utilizing that sort of definition, I think the title/term still fits. Plus, it’s funny to see how many people search for “Christian Porn” (looking for some kind of loophole) and end up reading my post.

    I very much appreciate the input though, thank you for the new perspective!

  8. im not going to tell says:

    Thank you for writing about this. I so wish my wife would agree to posing for some nude pictures, just for my enjoyment alone, but given my history of porn addiction, I feel I cannot ask her without upsetting her. Perhaps you could address whether this is a good idea for christian men (or women) who struggle with porn or sex addiction. I kind of look at it as a way to flush all the images of nude women who are not my wife out of my mind by filling it with images of my wife in the nude.

    1. Jay Dee says:

      Now, keep in mind that my wife only agreed to this after 8 years of marriage, then 3 years of trying to fix our sex life (so, 11 years married total), and the special circumstance of me leaving the continent for 2 weeks. If I wasn’t leaving, I doubt it would have happened so soon. Be patient. This isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon.

      I too have a long struggle with porn addiction. I’m finally free (if one is ever free of an addiction), though ever on guard. I completely understand wanting to rid your mind of the images stored after years of porn. For me, pictures of my wife help a lot. The naked woman in front of you will always be a draw, so the more often your wife is the one in front of you, I think the more bonded you will be to your wife. Our society bombards us with nudity and women all day every day, I see it as a way to counter-act that.

      I can understand, though, the idea that your wife might not understand our perspective though. The fact is, that men are typically visual creatures. We’re going to be turned on by something visually, more likely than not, why not our spouses? They just don’t want to have the feeling that all we want is a naked body. We have to get the (real) idea across that we love them for more than their naked parts. We love their minds, their spirits and every part of them.

      I’m going to ask my wife what she thinks as well and get back to you. Perhaps some other women can post their perspective on this.

    2. Jay Dee says:

      Ok, I talked to my wife, let me see if I can translate from female to male.

      Basically our idea is wanting to focus on our wife, however, what they see is that we want our wife to be a porn star, which is associated with dirty, evil, nasty sort of stuff. So, basically they have the opposite exchange than we do. We want to shift focus, they think we want to put your wife in the place of porn (same focus).

      My wife said it took her a long time to change her mindset and its not completely changed yet. Communication is the key to speeding that up. Hopefully some other women can answer and either confirm or give another perspective.

      Hope that helps.

    3. Eric M. says:

      We are forgetting one thing here. One very important key ingredient. Replacing images of naked women with more images (even if they are your wife) is not the key to getting them out of your head forever. That is still doing it in your own strength and not addressing the issue. The real way to get those out of your head and continue to walk in victory over our PAST addictions is through and by the finished work of Jesus. He is the author of redemption and he is the only one who can completely heal what one once broken. And we know that when he restores something, it is ALWAYS better than it was before. Give it to God. Let the picture of Him that his word provides be your main [METAPHORICAL] stimulation. Then, He will bless you and your wife with healthy stimulation and relationship practices in the marriage bed with no need for concern over past mistakes because they are just that, in the past. God Bless you friend 🙂

      1. Jay Dee says:

        I’m confused by the phrase “finished work of Jesus”…His work is not yet finished, there is much yet to be done.

        1. Jordan says:

          “It is finished.” The shortest sentence in the bible spoken by Jesus himself.

          Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

          This is the finished work of Jesus. He came to set us free and redeem us from the darkness.

          Also read John 17:4

          Not sure what your mean by “His work is not yet finished”

          1. Jay Dee says:

            Well, he seems to be quite busy, according to the Bible:
            He’s our High Priest (Hebrews 3:1-2, 4:14-15), which was a fairly busy job. As such, he’s making intercession (Hebrews 7:25), offering gifts (Hebrews 8:1-3), and he mediates between God and us (1 Timothy 2:5)
            He’s preparing a place for us (John 14:2-4)
            There’s much of Revelation yet that has not occurred, in which Jesus plays a fairly pivotal role.

            There are others, but my point is, He’s not done. If I rake the leaves and say “It is finished!” that doesn’t mean I’m done all the yard work, let alone done working for the rest of my life. I think He just meant this particularly trying task (not that I’m comparing His life/death to raking leaves).

  9. Cassandra says:

    I am a Christian. Raised in independent baptist church, now southern baptist. Also attended a private Christian school in which the girls had to have from neck to ankle covered (try buying those clothes these day! lol); boys, no limits. I’m 36 now. As I got older, I learned about guys and what they think about constantly. At my premarriage counseling, the pastor had told me that I had been misunderstanding the Bible all this time. He said it was normal for him to look at girls, all of them, all of the time, clothed or no clothes. What crossed the being faithful part was only when he THOUGHT of doing something with them sexually.

    Needless to say I was extremely unhappy with his answer.

    Still, we got married. And for our wedding, my present to him was professional pics of me all dolled up with everything but clothes. I thought that would be enough for him, yet 3 years later before our divorce was even final his son came into this world thru one of his exes.

    I love your definition of Christian porn! I believe anything and everything is ok to approach and talk about experiencing as long as it ONLY involves the married couple. I don’t like porn, I don’t like it anywhere, and it is everywhere these days! But making my own solo movie or one with a hubby is a great idea, especially if there has been a problem with an addicition in the past.

    1. Jay Dee says:

      I’m so glad you still have a healthy attitude towards your God given sexuality after having been burned like that by a spouse. So many can’t get past it and become cynical.

      Thank you for sharing, and I’m glad you approve of the definition I gave.

    2. Im not going to tell says:

      As someone raised in a southern baptist church who attended an Independent Baptist (a-la Bob Jones University) school I know exactly what you mean, except that the boys in my school did have limits (no clothes with logos, no denim, no shorts, shirts must have a collar, and our hair could not touch either our collar or our ears). I am super surprised that the pastor would have said that in pre-maritial counseling. The only message I got re: sex when I was growing up was this :

      “It is naughty, gross, and sinful, and that is why it should be saved for marriage. All sex is sinful in any context, even within marriage, but that when you are married God turns a blind eye so long as you are making babies.”

      Also, sexual sin was given a special status among other sins, making it more sinful than drug addiction and stealing (and possibly murder). Fornicators, adulterers, and divorced people were all going straight to hell unless they repented.

      nice huh? Its no surprise that I carried a very warped view of sex into adulthood, one that I am still working on overcoming. I am in a nearly sexless marriage (less than once a month) and I struggle to fight the feeling that somehow God is punishing me for my years of promiscuity before I got married. Or that God just doesn’t care about my sex life.

      1. Jay Dee says:

        Careful with this, far too often we attribute too much to God that He doesn’t directly cause, and too little that He does.

        Do I think your years of promiscuity are harming your marriage today? Undoubtedly. Do I think God is punishing you? No. Do I think God tells us not to have sex outside of marriage because sex is a powerful thing and should only be used in the right context or you will get hurt? Definitely. It is not God, but your own choices prior that are punishing you.

        I think God cares a lot about your sex life, but God is often constrained by human choice. The problem with giving us freewill is that, well, He has to let us have freewill. And sometimes that means the freedom to deprive and otherwise hurt our spouse.

        Continue to pray, continue to be the best husband you can. We cannot change others, only ourselves.

        1. imnotgoingtotell says:

          I get it now … all the sexual happiness between a married couple that I read about on Christian marriage blogs is reserved for people who saved themselves for marriage. Those of us who have some sort of sexual sin in our past will just have to be happy with what we can get, if any, because we blew our chance.

          1. Jay Dee says:

            Only in the same way that we all have to be happy with what we get because we blow our chance at the perfectly life every hour of every day by sinning.

            God sets out in the Bible what to do to have a perfect life and thus to be perfectly happy. But, to date, there has not been a person (Jesus excepted) that has been able to do it. As such, yes, we are doomed to a less than perfect life, and that includes less than perfect marriages. Does that mean we still can’t have a “good” life? By no means. It just means it’s going to take more work, effort, patience and help from God, which He will give.

            You can still have a good marriage. I have a wonderful marriage, but if you read some of my prior posts and comments, you’d know I wasn’t celibate before marriage either, I also struggled with a porn addiction and it took me 16 years to be free of it. I only had sex with my current wife, but before we were married, but even that has caused issues.

            But we are working to get past them, to accept forgiveness and to lead godly lives from this point forward. That is all we can do, and God promises that if we follow His commandments, we will become new people, changed and that means our lives are changed as well, for the better.

            There are 2 rules for salvation: believe in God and accept that Jesus died for your salvation. All the rest is to help you have a happier life, to bring heaven here on earth. Follow them, and you will taste heaven before you die. Not in full, but in part.

            I hope that clarifies my viewpoint. You are not doomed to a “lower level” marriage because of your past, though it does mean you may have some more work ahead of you. Just because your sins are forgiven, doesn’t mean the results will not still be felt.

          2. ButterflyWings says:

            imnotgoingtotell, I thought I would add something that may help you, it may not.

            God isn’t punishing you. Any sex before marriage, even sinless sex, makes things harder in your marriage.

            My husband is my second husband and having had a sexual history means there has been issues and complications because of it. If I believed it was because God was punishing me, I’d have to believe it was because my first husband cheated on me and walked away from our marriage, and that God must punish people for the sins of others.

            I definitely don’t believe that.

            Even though God doesn’t punish us for the sins of others, we do live in a broken world where the world itself makes us pay for the sins of others. Whether it be sexual abuse, sexual abandonment, our spouse cheating, whatever. Even if we did nothing sinful to cause the situation, we still pay the price. for example, I have come across far too many wonderful Godly women (and I’m sure there are ment who are in the same situation, I just don’t usually talk sex with men), who are suffering and even dying because their husband’s cheated on them through no fault of their own. They were dedicated wives, never refused, always submitted, always loved. Yet their husbands still cheated on them, and their husbands brought home a serious (and sometimes eventually will be fatal) STD from their mistresses. Same with rape victims who catch STDs and even worse when the victim is a young child.

            God isn’t punishing them. But just as He gave them free will, He also gave the cheaters/abusers free will and that sadly is the price we sometimes pay for other’s free will.

            It is not punishment. It is merely the consequences of living in a broken world. It is painful, especially when we are suffering greatly, but we can overcome it with God’s help.

  10. Lisa Headley via Facebook says:

    Awww, yes, I believe he should take the risk and ask his wife to help him… I believe he should be respectful and humble, of course, when he does and willing to work with what she’s comfortable with. If he demands or manipulates her into doing what he wants, then it will not be healthy for them or their marriage. I don’t get the impression he would do that, and I’m pleased he commented!

    1. Jay Dee says:

      Hopefully he comes back to read the comments.

    2. Im not going to tell says:

      Lisa, which commenter are you are referring to?

      1. Jay Dee says:

        She’s talking about you “I’m not going to tell”. I posted your comment on Facebook asking for feedback from other wives, and she responded to that post.

        1. imnotgoingtotell says:

          Thank you Jay for asking about it on facebook, and thank you Lisa for your response.

          Lisa, you are right, I would never demand or manipulate anything, I just don’t feel empowered to even ask her. The last time we discussed my feelings about our sex life and how I wanted her to act like she was more interested, she gave me the silent treatment for a day. Later she apologized, but told me that the reason for the silent treatment was that I made her feel de-valued. I have not brought up the topic since. Unfortunately I don’t see where there is anything I can do to make this any better … any request I make she can immediately dismiss by pulling out her “you are a recovering porn addict” trump card. (for perspective, my porn addiction recovery process began in early 2006)

          So I am just having to wait for God to act, and His stunning silence is beginning to make me feel like He doesn’t care. In my head I know that the Bible says He does care, but my heart is having a hard time believing it. If it sounds like I am complaining, I am sorry, I just need somewhere to express my feelings. God forgive me.

  11. Donavyn says:

    If there was erotica written about a married couple but the names were left blank so who ever was reading it could fill in the names of themselves and their spouse, would that fit your definition of “Christian Porn”?

    1. Jay Dee says:

      It would not fit mine, but I know it would fit some Christians idea of “approriate”. You have to decide for yourself how you view it.

    2. Anonymous says:

      The question you are asking seems to be one of specific identity- if there is no name and I can fill in the blank with the right answer, does that make it ok? Playing devil’s advocate, let’s take the question of identity to another level- if there were a porn film produced where the identities were hidden because the faces were obscured so you could mentally insert the preferred identity of your choice, would it be ok to watch? Or, just for the sake of argument, let’s take it even a step further. Is it ok to sleep with someone other than your spouse, as long as you blind fold them and only imagine yourself with your spouse during the act?

      I am not asking these questions to mock, but simply to take the initial concept and push the envelope of identity suspension and insertion by extending the principle to alternate, and in some cases, more extreme situations. As Jay Dee said, your question is debatable depending on who you ask- the idea is acceptable within some circles and questionable in others. Either way, I just thought I’d push the envelope by applying the same concept in more extreme circumstances to provide some food for thought. Even if you conclude that identity swapping is acceptable within the confines of written erotica, the ethical slope seems a bit slippery and perhaps a bit prone to escalation of what is considered ethical porn consumption.

  12. PhoenixGuy78 says:

    I appreciate the suggestion but I find it difficult to find a real application for this. I actually discussed this with some of my male (and Christian) friends who are fairly open about discussing topics such as sex and we concluded, unanimously, that it takes very little to get the male libido stoked. So if one is going to take masturbation off of the table as an appropriate outlet for those ignited feelings, we all agreed that this exercise would be more frustrating and irritating than helpful. In essence it is pornography with your wife as the star…that’s the only difference. But the effect is the same….it stokes your libido and your desire to a level that you desperately want an expression of, and release of that desire. I realize that the underlying thought is that it begins to create a desire for, and anticipation for your spouse with whom you hope to soon be reunited but the reality is….if any one of us could make it just three days looking at nude pictures of our wives and not masturbating, well that would be a modern day miracle. And I can’t imagine that we’re the outliers…..so I wonder if this might be something that you were able to somehow handle in your relationship well, but isn’t necessarily a good idea for the masses to attempt.

    1. Jay Dee says:

      I see what your saying, and I’ll admit, when I was masturbating, it controlled me a lot more than I controlled it. 3 days without an orgasm would be been beyond my control, for a long time a single day with an orgasm would have been difficult, and sometimes a 12 hours span without one was too much. This is not the way to live. This is not “sexual freedom”, this slavery.

      But, when I gave it up masturbating (which wasn’t easy, by any means), I found that I gained a lot of self-control in that area as well. I can do 3 days without orgasm easily now. 12 days while I was out of the country was difficult, but nowhere near impossible. I’ll admit, much past that and I start having serious issues still, but I think it’s less about the orgasm and more about the connection with my wife.

      Now, perhaps I have a lower drive than you and your friends, who knows. It’s hard to gauge these things, especially when one only has the experience of one lover for life. Personally, I’d prefer sex every day, but I don’t NEED it that often. I don’t think I NEED an orgasm in any interval. What I need is a connection to my spouse for our relationship to be strong.

      For me, that’s why the pictures/stories help. It’s the connection that is the #1 thing, and it’s particularly the sharing that’s important. It’s not about the picture, it’s that my wife was willing to do it. Honestly, I look at the smile on her face more than anything else. That is the sexiest part, her attitude.

      I hope that clarifies. Perhaps I’m different than the rest of the population. Maybe we can get some others to offer their perspectives.

      1. PhoenixGuy78 says:

        I hear what you’re saying but there is a distinction to be made. You’re response was that you don’t need masturbation once you got control over that area of your life. I too went through a period where twice a day was not in the lease bit unusual. It also wasn’t fueled by fantasies or images for me either….I discovered masturbation long before i linked it to sexual relations with someone else so for the longest time, it was just about the physical pleasure and stress relief and wasn’t tied to my relationship with anyone or sexual thoughts.

        But being able to go for long periods of time without an orgasm is one thing. Only getting sex once or twice a month kind of helps one build up a tolerance for building horniness with no outlet.

        But to resist masturbating when not intentionally stimulating the libido….and to resist it while simultaneously stimulating it are two different things and it just surprises me that many men would be able to do the latter. The former is a matter of self control and putting appropriate boundaries in place to prevent you from making the task harder than it has to already be. The latter is tempting fate to me.

        It’s like trying to control overeating. Hunger is a natural drive. Eating in and of itself isn’t bad and is part of God’s design for us. In fact, it’s actually necessary to sustaining life (sex isn’t….though one could make the argument that is is necessary for making life happier and more meaningful….but one will not die from not having sex) But eating out of the context in which we were designed to do it is wrong and harmful to us. So if I am trying to eat healthfully, and I know my appetite is large, it’s easier to do if I ensure that I don’t keep extra food in the house, I keep myself and My mind occupied in other endeavors so that I can’t spend time thinking about that piece of cheesecake I’d like to eat….and the caramel and whipped cream and chocolate I want to put on top of it…..(I digress). But to set a box of Twinkies on my desk while I am working and say to myself, “You can’t eat these, you can only use them to remind you of how good food can be in its proper context. Think about them, how good they taste, how sweet they are on your tongue, how satisfying it is to get that sugar rush as that golden cake dissolves in your mouth…..BUT DON’T EAT THEM!!!!” It’s just setting one up to fail by eating the Twinkies.

        To me…..that’s what “christian porn”, at least as it has been discussed so far, is doing here…..it’s stoking an appetite that you have no moral method of feeding and therefore setting oneself up to fail.

        But then….maybe I just have really low self control.

      2. Husband of one says:

        Why are you excluding masturbation in marriage? IMHO it is a physical expression of one’s desire for his/her spouse. There is not one verse in the Bible that condemn that, which is odd since it goes in so much details in condemning some other sexual practices.

        1. Jay Dee says:

          I think if you are talking about mutual masturbation, then yes, I agree, it can be an express of one’s desire for one’s spouse.

          However, in the case of solo masturbation, no, I don’t think so. I think it’s an expression of selfishness:
          Is masturbation a sin?
          Why do married men masturbate?
          Why masturbation is a problem, whether you’re married or single

          1. Apologia says:

            Apologies for replying to a months old comment, but I felt this was the best place to raise such objections.

            Firstly, I do not believe anything (even masturbation) can be a sin unless it meets one of two criteria: 1) It defies God 2) The individual commits it believing it to be sin (as Paul says in Romans 14). As God has not denounced the act of solo masturbation itself, solo masturbation becomes sin when it is viewed as such. And if it is not viewed as such, it becomes permissible.

            But then, is it beneficial? I would say that in most circumstances, no. While solo masturbation may be permissible, it is not often beneficial. In the specific context of this discussion, however, I believe it is.

            Let’s look at what you say about pornography:
            “When you orgasm, there is a release of oxytocin. This hormone has an effect that emotionally bonds you to your partner. But, when you are viewing porn, your partner is the computer, or the actress on the screen. The point is, your brain is being wired to be turned on and connected to someone who isn’t your spouse, and that’s dangerous. Ideally, you want your brain to be turned on by your spouse and only your spouse.”
            I agree. Masturbating to porn does bond you to the actress on the screen. But what if you are masturbating to nude photos of your spouse? Who then are you bonding to when you orgasm? It follows that you bond to your spouse. And as you have said, bonding to your spouse is ideal.

            Now of course, actually having sex with your spouse is better than merely masturbating to a photo of your spouse. But this is not always possible or practical. Your spouse could be physically separated, or in poor physical condition that does not allow for sex, or maybe just not in the mood for sex at the time (or even fasting sex?). In such cases, solo masturbation to the thoughts or images of your spouse (with their knowledge and consent, of course) is the best available method for bonding to your spouse sexually.

            1. Jay Dee says:

              No need to apologize.

              To address your comments:

              Firstly, I think you’re taking the Romans 14 passage out of context. That passage was about eating or not eating meat during specific holy days. Some people believed you should abstain, other people felt you shouldn’t. This was a matter of personal preference, and not dealing with the law or sin at all. You cannot extrapolate from this and say then that there is no sin at all.

              Rather the Bible says that we have no excuse for the ignorance of the law and sin:

              Ephesians 4:18 “They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.”

              Romans 1:19-20 “For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.”

              Not only that, but not knowing won’t protect you from the damage it does to your relationship with God:

              Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.”

              Proverbs 19:2 “Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way.”

              So, no, I don’t think not knowing about the issues protects you from the damage you are doing.

              Secondly, yes, the oxytocin if watching your spouse would bond you to them, however there’s another chemical that I didn’t write about. This was written nearly 5 years ago before I had learned about the affect of dopamine in these circumstances. So, dopamine is a hormone which does a bunch of things. One of them is helping you to find things, physically or abstractly. It’s the chemical responsible for helping you know where your keys are when you need to drive the car.

              The problem with porn, even if it’s pictures of your husband or wife, is that when you masturbate, dopamine is released telling you “this is where you go for sexual fulfillment”. That part does not bond you to your partner but rather tells your brain “when you need sexual satisfaction, it can be found at the computer”. It’s teaching your brain to seek satisfaction apart from your spouse.

              So, it’s a separator in your married life, not a method of bonding to your spouse.

              If you are separated or your spouse is in a condition that you cannot meet that desire, my advice is that you should wait. I think that sends a much stronger message of love to your spouse as well as building up self-control. It’s not an individual need, but a relationship need. So, if you go masturbate, you aren’t meeting the need, because it’s no longer relational. You’re just serving a selfish desire and side-stepping the opportunity for growth and true intimacy.

              1. Apologia says:

                I think you misunderstand… I was not saying that there is no sin as long as you believe something to not be sin. I am saying there are two categories of sin:
                1) Sin which defies God. This includes any action which violates God’s commandments, the Word of God. Murder is still a sin even if you somehow do not believe it to be, because it is defiance of God and his commandments. Likewise, some things can still be sin even if they are not listed in the Bible. Satan still sinned in his defiance of God, even though no written law had been made yet. Adam and Eve sinned by defying what God had told them to do.

                2) Sin that occurs when you believe something to be sin, even if not proscribed by God. God does not judge us by outward appearances, but by the heart. When you choose to do something that you believe to be sin, what does that say about your heart… about your intent? This is why eating meat on holy days was sin to some… because they believed it to be sin, if they had chosen to do so anyways it would have shown that they had chosen to do something even though they believed it to be evil. Even something such as the “Christian Porn” you describe here would be sin to some people if they believed it to be such.

                Now then, which of these two categories does masturbation fall under? I do not believe it falls under the former. I see no indication, either in the Bible or from what I know of God, that solo masturbation, when done with the right intent and right circumstances, is a defiance of God or his Word. Like eating meat on holy days, masturbation falls outside the law and sin, and falls under the category of those things which are only sin to those who believe them to be. And it is true that for many Christians, solo masturbation would be sin. You cannot do something you believe to be immoral, that shows intent to commit sin.

                But for those Christians who accept solo masturbation as something which is not immoral, what does God see when he looks at their heart? Absent any direct commands from God, are those Christians left to figure out that which is beneficial and that which is not beneficial? And if they do sincerely believe that solo masturbation is beneficial, what then is their sin? It is neither a violation of the law or a wrong intent.

                Now then, as for whther or not it is truly beneficial to masturbate in the context of marriage, which the knowledge and permission of your spouse (for, after all, your body belongs to your spouse) waiting is often admirable. But you yourself struggled after only 12 days. There are many who are separated from their spouses for much longer than that, months or even years in some situations. Is it beneficial for them to wait so long? Is it beneficial for them to struggle?

                You say that learning to control your passions is better than releasing them. The apostle Paul speaks on a similar topic: “Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.” (1 Corinthians 7:8-9 NIV)
                Of course, Paul was speaking here of marrying to avoid temptation due to passions. But I feel that this reasoning applies to solo masturbation as well. Which is it better for the Christian who is married? To refrain from solo masturbation (with their spouse as the focus) or to burn with passion (and maybe risk sinning)?

                Paul says a few verses before of those who are married: “Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. I say this as a concession, not as a command.” Sure, it is a concession and not a command. And indeed, for those capable of controlling themselves, going for months without any sexual activity may be beneficial. But that does not mean that solo masturbation should be forbidden or even discouraged. It should be, in the right contexts (just like with ordinary sex), an available option for controlling your passions and preventing temptation.

                I must confess I have not studied neurochemistry enough to comment much on dopamine and its behavioral effects. I do know, however, that dopamine plays a role in the brain’s reward system and not just for sex. Dopamine is released for several different pleasurable activities, including the consumption of food. It would be ridiculous to say that teaching your brain that food is rewarding creates separation from your spouse… likewise, teaching your brain that solo masturbation is rewarding does not necessitate separation from your spouse… indeed, when the rewarding activity is associated specifically with your spouse (as in this case), I would argue it brings you closer.

                Perhaps you aren’t convinced by the food comparison. Have you ever spent time with friends or family members (but without your spouse) and done anything fun? Played a game, perhaps, or went on a hike, or just had a relaxing time? If so, your brain released dopamine… teaching your brain that such things as exercise or learning are rewarding experiences, or in your words “when you need… satisfaction, this it can be found at [place where you had a good time with friends or family]”. Does having a rewarding experience with others increase your separation from your spouse? Perhaps in some situations, yes, but I don’t believe there are many people who would say that having a rewarding experience with those other than your spouse is always detrimental to your marriage relationship. Neither is solo masturbation, though it does not directly involve your spouse, always going to be detrimental.

                1. Jay Dee says:

                  I don’t categorize sin the way you do. So, the “which one is it” doesn’t work in my books.

                  Our works will not get us into heaven, our relationship will. Therefore I should focus on what damages or promotes my relationship with God.

                  So, yes, not doing what God told us to do, explicitly in writing, verbal, through the Holy Spirit or some other implied means damages our relationship with God.

                  Likewise doing something we don’t believe God wants, even if we’re wrong, also damages our relationship.
                  And so do doing something we think is good but God doesn’t.

                  So, which does masturbation fall into in the case you bring up? The third.
                  Because while our intent matters, so does creating a habit of disobedience, even if we don’t realize it’s disobedience.

                  For example, if we’ve been taught Sabbath doesn’t matter, or the day doesn’t matter, or that the day is Sunday (most Christians have been taught one of these lies), then it’s going to be hard for us to accept that God says He blessed a specific day and made it holy (Genesis 2:3). It’s hard to recognize that Jesus calls himself the Lord of the Sabbath (Mark 2:28) because He was there when it was blessed (John 1:3) and that even He rested on the Sabbath while he was here (Mark 6:2, Luke 4:16). It’s hard to recognize that the only “Lords Day” in scripture is Saturday (Isaiah 58:13). It’s even hard to recognize it when the Roman Catholic Church flat out says

                  “It is well to remind the Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, and all other Christians, that the Bible does not support them anywhere in their observance of Sunday. Sunday is an institution of the Roman Catholic Church, and those who observe the day observe a commandment of the Catholic Church.” Priest Brady, in an address, reported in the Elizabeth, NJ ‘News’ on March 18, 1903.

                  When you believe something is true, when you think you are following God, if you are wrong, you are training your mind to ignore God’s prompting. When Christians are faced with a decision about Sabbath and Sunday, as I believe Revelation warns us they will, they will choose the church over God. That damages their relationship.

                  As for the dopamine, I didn’t say that sex is the only method. In fact, I said it comes up even when looking for keys. The food issue is not dealing with a spouse because you are not dependent on your spouse for food, nor should you be. Sex is quite a different topic. The only analogy that I know of for sex is a relationship between God and His people. So, if God was unavailable for some reason, can you say “Well, God’s not available … But I feel the need to pray, so I’m going to pray to myself.” Or maybe even “I don’t want to bother God right now, so I’m going to worship myself instead. He’ll understand.” Of course, that’s ludicrous. However, that is the only analogy to a sexual relationship we are given in the Bible. So, I’m going to say solo masturbation as a method to meet a sexual need is as ludicrous as self-worship is a method to meet a spiritual one.

                  1. Apologia says:

                    It is true that, even if we mistakenly believe that something which is against the law is actually not proscribed by God, we still commit sin. But masturbation doesn’t fall into that category because God has no proscribed it, either in His Word, or in any word of His that I have heard. You admit that in the scriptures there is no law or command against solo masturbation. Outside of the scriptures. the only way to know the will of God is to hear his voice. If you know of another way (or I have forgotten one), please correct me. And I have not seen in the scriptures or heard from God that solo masturbation is wrong, except in specific contexts such as masturbation to pornography or to other immoral ends. Then the only case in which masturbation is still sin is if God has forbidden it, but declined to tell me and provided no way for me to know! I believe in a just God, not a God who punishes those for sin while they had no way of knowing it was sin! We may he destroyed for lack of knowledge, but if the knowledge is impossible to gain, how can that be just?

                    Concerning the Sabbath… it is indeed incorrect that Christians believe Sunday to be the Sabbath. But God has specifically instructed us to keep the Sabbath holy and provided us with the ability to know that the Sabbath is Saturday, and not Sunday (indeed, any Christian with a Bible can know this, the Scripture says that Christ was raised the day after the Sabbath… the day we celebrate as Easter Sunday). If God considers it a sin to respect Sunday and not the Sabbath, that is just, for God has made it clear. But if God considers masturbation a sin, when he has not revealed it in Scriptures or spoken such to someone, this would be unjust. Who knows , if this was the case, how many “hidden” sins would exist. It would be a bleak world to live in, where any one of our actions not specifically addressed in Scripture could be sins without our knowledge. But I believe in a God whose will is known to us, not one whose commands have not been revealed.

                    Lastly, concerning sexual relations and how it reflects our intimacy with God: You extend the comparison between sex and our relationship with God to compare solo sex with worshipping one’s self. But this is both a flawed and a false analogy. It is a flawed analogy because unlike masturbation, God has made it very clearly who it is acceptable to worship: God alone. I don’t feel a need to quote Scripture because this should be abundantly clear to any who profess a knowledge of God’s Word. It is also a false analogy. In self worship, the focus is on the self, whereas in solo masturbation, in the context I have described here, the focus is not on the self, but the spouse! A more appropriate analogy would be worshipping God in His presence (having sex with one’s spouse) versus worshipping God even when you feel distant from Him (engaging in solo sex when your spouse is distant). I am sure that no Christian would claim that worshipping God in His perceived absence is ludicrous… and neither do I believe that bonding sexually to your spouse even in their absence is ludicrous.

                    1. Jay Dee says:

                      And this is where the masturbation discussion usually ends up: the legalistic “show me the verse”.
                      I agree, there is no verse.

                      However, every verse that talks positively about sex is in the context of a husband and wife.
                      We’re told to avoid the sins of sexual immorality, to get married.
                      That God created us to “become one” through sex.

                      I think the Bible is implicitly clear that sex is to be a shared experience between husband and wife. And yeah, I do think it’s ludicrous to think you can have a shared experience that bonds you to your spouse without them present. That makes no sense. It’s like going on a date alone or having a solo wedding. They’re oxymorons.

                      As for Easter Sunday, funny you should mention that one. Easter is the rebirth of the goddess of fertility. While many Christians have rationalized why they worship on that day, that’s not the reason. It’s made clear by the rabbit and egg symbolism. As well, the very date (the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox) has nothing to do with Christ’s resurrection but rather is a powerful day in pagan belief that marked the rebirth of this goddess.

                      We do this in Christianity. We change something to follow the culture, and then we rationalize that change later on. Sunday, Easter, Christmas, hell, homosexuality; we’ve done it with so many things it’s sometimes hard to recognize Christianity as following the Bible anymore.

                  2. Apologia says:

                    (Edit: tried posting this three times but was unable to for some reason. If duplicate posts are present, I apologize)

                    I think you misunderstand. I am not asking you to show me the verse. I am asking how it is possible to know that masturbation is a sin if God has not indicated that it is.

                    Yes, every verse talking about sex does so in the context of husband and wife… and in this case, the context is husband and wife. They just happen to not be physically present with each other. We are told to avoid sexual immorality and get married… but in this example, one is married. We are told to become one… and the pair in this example is one.

                    I think the Bible is explicitly clear that burning with passion is worse for some than enjoying sexual activity within the confines of marriage. And I do not believe anything in the bible proscribes, either explicitly or implicitly, solo masturbation as a means of this. But you would have Christians struggle needlessly with temptation by forbidding something the Bible has not condemned. This seems a man-made rule, not a God-made one.

                    You say it is ludicrous to have an experience that bonds you to your spouse without them present. But I thought we had already established that, neurochemically, one is bonded (by oxytocin) to one’s spouse during masturbation when the spouse is the focus, just as one is bonded to porn when porn is the focus. I think it goes deeper than just mere chemicals… after all, humans are not ruled by chemical reactions, but by our spirit, and by our will. If solo masturbation causes us to have a deeper appreciation for our spouse and our spouse’s form, I think this is a good thing.

                    Lastly, what makes solo masturbation to “Christian Porn” as you call it fundamentally different from mere viewing of images of your spouse? Both are erotic activities without your spouse present. I don’t think you would say that watching actual porn or reading erotica is okay as long as one isn’t masturbating… how is viewing images of your spouse different? Regardless of whether erotic images were produced by a porn studio or by your spouse, viewing them takes place without your spouse being present. Why is the one sin while the other is, according to this article, allowed?

                    The fundamental difference is the focus of erotic activity: is it focused on others, and immoral, or focused on your spouse and thus healthy for the relationship? Watching porn is not wrong because it involved sexual activity (masturbation), it is wrong because the focus is not on one’s spouse and inherently involves others. Likewise, looking at the photos your spouse took of herself is not allowable because you didn’t masturbate… such reasoning would lead to allowing porn as long as it wasn’t “sexual activity” (masturbation). Viewing images of your spouse (even when your spouse is not present) is allowable because it promotes healthy attraction to your spouse… and so does solo masturbation with your spouse as the focus.

                    We can tie this back in to your earlier arguments. Viewing erotic images of your spouse (even if one doesn’t masturbate!) releases dopamine. So we have the same issue as we had with masturbation, don’t we? Dopamine is being released in an erotic activity that your spouse is not directly involved in. Do we see the problem? All your arguments against masturbation do not focus on the act itself but on its (supposed) lack of bonding to the spouse. But the same is true for your “Christian Porn”… if your spouse is not present when you view those photos, how can it be a shared bonding experience? And if it is not, does that not make it sinful by your arguments? And if it is a shared bonding experience, why is it when solo masturbation is not? Whether or not you happen to be masturbating doesn’t change the circumstances… doesn’t change the morality of the situation. Either neither viewing photos of your spouse nor masturbating to those photos is wrong (as I argue) or both are wrong (as with porn).


                    Re: Easter. The Bible doesn’t say anything about celebrating Christ’s resurrection with a holiday. Christ told his apostles to take communion in remembrance of his death, but outside of that I cannot recall anything concerning remembering Christ’s resurrection. If some Christians chose a specific Sunday (which is the correct day of the week, at least) to celebrate Christ’s resurrection, that’s fine. I myself choose to celebrate, not because of the significance of the day, but because my family celebrates it, and I celebrate it with my family.

                    I am curious, though this is not the place to discuss it, why you included hell in your list. I suppose you have an article somewhere where this is discussed?

                    1. Jay Dee says:

                      But you would have Christians struggle needlessly with temptation by forbidding something the Bible has not condemned.

                      From my perspective, you would have people give in to their temptation rather than build character. To me, the Bible is pretty strong on self-control, patience, etc..

                      To me, waiting for your spouse embodies love, patience, faithfulness, and self-control. Four of the fruits of the spirit. Whereas seeking instantaneous self-gratification is the opposite of that. It’s saying my arousal is more important than patience, more important than faithfulness or self-control. Ultimately, I matter more than my relationship with my spouse.

                      The fundamental difference is the focus of erotic activity: is it focused on others, and immoral, or focused on your spouse and thus healthy for the relationship?

                      I disagree, I think the fundamental difference is the shared experience with your spouse. But what is the point of building up an appetite for your spouse if you’re going to sate that appetite without them? There’s no shared experience there.

                      As for the dopamine question, yes, dopamine is released when masturbating to a picture of your spouse, the problem is that the dopamine is teaching you that you can handle your own sexual needs. It’s not bonding you to your spouse. Dopamine doesn’t work that way. It’s bonding you to a picture of your spouse. Dopamine links you not only to people but to inanimate objects. It gets released when you find your keys even. When you feel aroused, you want your brain to say “go find your spouse”, but instead, you are teaching it to tell you “you can handle this on your own”. It doesn’t promote a shared experience or anything to do with your spouse (except perhaps a picture of them).

                      As for the hell discussion, I have an old article up here.

  13. Joel says:

    Phonenixguy78- I agree with you. As a former addict of porn, this would only stoke my libido and not in a good way. If I was away for 12 days, writing a suggestive letter or two is one thing. But to write an erotic letter about us, with naked pictures of my wife right there, whoa, probably not a good idea. (maybe I am just weak….)
    I have pics of my wife, cool, I have written suggestive letters, great. But one must be careful if their is great distance as it could bring back feelings from previous addictions. Just my thoughts….

  14. k says:

    Ok, so u went 12 days without sex and it drove you crazy. Now think about people who are not married. How r they gonna deal with it? And to make it worst, they can’t even read/watch the “you know what” to ease the desire. So what r they supposed to do? Just lower your standards and marry someone as early as possible? Wouldn’t this uneased desire affect your judgement on marriage?

    1. Jay Dee says:

      I wasn’t born married, I spent 20 years of my life single, and yeah, it’s difficult, but I would say, the sexual urges before being married were nothing compared to afterwards. Before having a spouse, someone your that connected to on so many levels, any activity is a shadow of what it can be. So, I don’t think we’re comparing apples to apples here. That said, I understand what you’re saying.

      I would suggest 2 books:
      One is Eden Derailed which I wrote a review on. It’s a great discussion on sexuality and how it has to be handled, both in and outside of marriage.

      The second is Every Young Man’s Battle, which I haven’t read yet, but I’ve heard many people speak very highly of it, and I know it has practical advise for how to deal with issues like this.

      I hope that helps.

    2. ButterflyWings says:

      k that is why the bible says don’t awake sexual desire until the right time.

      Before I met my first husband, I had no desire for sex at all. It was only after I realised he was the man I was going to marry did I “awaken” and that was hard to deal with, but until we actually started having sex after we got married, did it become truly hard to go without. I even went against medical orders several times to have sex because I couldn’t wait the few weeks until the doctor okayed it again.

      It’s why premarital sex is so damaging. Until you start having sex, the desire is just not the same. It can be there, but nowhere near as strong.

      And having had my first marriage end and being alone for six years, knowing what sex is and how awesome it is, and being a high drive person who wanted it just about every day when married, imagine how hard it is to be suddenly single for 6 years.

      Yet not once did I desire porn, only even desired masturbation 2-3 times and even then realised how stupid and pointless and unfulfilling that was and had zero desire to have sex with anyone until my relationship with the man who became my second husband got serious.

      Our engagement was difficult – having been married, having spent 7 years having near daily sex, followed by a 6 year drought, it was a constant fight not to constantly think about sex and want to give into the urge. but you deal with it. a person can live without sex. it’s hard, but lots of things are hard in life

      I wonder what you mean by “lowering your standards”. I think it really depends on what standards you are talking about. It’s something I’ve told girl friends a number of times. That some of them very much should lower their standards!

      They think some guy who looks like Channum Tatum (or whatever is supposed to the hottest guy around these days), who earns at least a few hundred thousand a year, who will do half or all the housework, who will constantly give them expensive gifts, who owns a mansion, will give them a ferrari, will suddenly fall into their lap.

      So they hold out for this imaginary Mr Perfect until all of a sudden they realise they are in their 40s, they’re too old to have kids and all the decent guys are married.

      The only “standard” that should matter is does the woman you are looking at have a heart for God? It doesn’t matter if she weighs a tonne, has no hair, has pimples, is disabled, is unable to work etc. All that matters is she truly following God?

      If that is your only standard, then you should not lower that standard a millimetre. But any other standard (looks, money, job, future career, etc) you should be willing to drop those standards altogether.

      So never drop your standards about a potential partner’s walk with God, but every other “standard” you should be willing to lower in a heartbeat.

      I know it’s not easy. Finding myself in my late 20s, divorced after 8 years of marriage with a young child, I found churches to be full of bigots. I lost track of the vile names I was called by some men for even considering getting to know them with the potential of dating one day. They ignored that there are biblical reasons for divorce (which I met the lot of) and that here (and most of the western world) that no fault divorce means you can be divorced against your will and there is not a thing you can do about it.

      And that was the guys who called themselves serious christians. Most of the guys I met who called themselves “Christian” were anything but. Many had abandoned their wife and kids because they “didn’t feel in love anymore”, or expected sex within a few dates etc.

      Lowering your standards to date someone who is not genuinely following God is not an option, but any other standard really can be dropped.

      In the end, my dedication to God has led me to find a man who I love dearly. He may drive me nuts well and truly, he is far from perfect, but everyone in existence is far from perfect. What matters is he takes his faith seriously and has a heart for God.

      If your desires are truly a constant struggle, God will send someone your way. You just have to learn self control til that person comes.

      1. Michael says:

        Thank you, so much, for writing this. I’m 30 and single. I’ve been with several women and struggled (past tense, in faith) with porn for years. I believe God showed me, well I will marry and while reading this, I believe He showed me why we aren’t together… I still struggle with porn…. While reading this, He let me know, as soon as I get a hold, and put to death my sins, He’ll lead her to me. Sometimes I forget, as well as a lot of Christians, the authority and power we are suppose to walk in. I am set free from my addiction and have set my mind on heavenly things, my future wife, and choosing to abstain from looking at porn and masturbating, because of the love I have for my soon to be wife, but even more so because, I’m in love with Jesus! I can not wait for my next orgasm to be with my wife and only my wife! If, that takes a couple months, ifn case we meet tomorrow, then praise God or a couple years, if it takes that long then I will still praise Him, for, “who am I to question God and His timing!”

  15. AdCC says:

    I’m also a Christian, but also keep my mind open to the thoughts and beliefs of people from other faiths. I also read articles written by fellow Christians on social trends and issues and this one helped me learn more about eroticism and Christianity. Thanks so much!

    1. Jay Dee says:

      I’m very glad it was helpful.
      I agree that other faiths may have items that are beneficial to learn. For me, I hold this one verse true in this regard:

      Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
      1 John 4:1

      Weigh everything against the Bible.

  16. Chris Tian says:

    I agree albeit I wouldn’t call it porn. I have fantasies, these fantasies are ALWAYS about only my husband and are more about anticipating our union when we see each other. I believe that is using my mind correctly and according to the will of God. As for writing out fantasies for your spouse, why not? Song of Solomon is highly erotic and beautiful at the same time. Over mobile messaging services I praise my husband’s body to him and let him know I find him desirable, nothing wrong with that but it’s for his eyes only. 🙂

  17. Matt says:

    I am very intrigued by your idea of writing erotica for your wife. I will have to think about doing that for mine, too!

    But I also think that more broadly, there is the possibility of even single Christians having an outlet of some kind, similar at least in purpose to the porn secular people use.

    I think the real problem with porn is that it’s made by “porn people.” What if all the members of your church just sincerely shared their sexuality? (Only using this as an example…DON’T ask them!)

    I know that certain conservative voices will say this is dangerous or inherently sinful, but consider that we are also natural beings, and our bodies have been engineered with certain needs.

    My view is that it’s cruel and unrealistic to expect single adults to go completely without any sexual expression or release.

    1. Jay Dee says:

      I’m sorry, I disagree most strongly. I guess I’m one of those “certain conservative voices”. Sexuality is meant to be shared with your spouse, no one else. That’s what the entire post was about.

      Now, I think sharing about our sexuality with other married couples in order to help them and for healing is good. But not for titillation. That would fall under the category of sexual immorality.

      As for it being cruel and unrealistic to expect single adults to go without sexual release. I’d argue that it would be cruel to say it’s OK for them to engage in sexual activities outside the protective bounds of marriage, that it would do them more harm than good, and anything like sharing stories with them would merely lead to them increasing any frustration and desire, rather than alleviating it.

  18. alvaro says:

    Is there space here for the views no religious person?
    Will try to be honest yet polite.

    I show a documentary last night on the upraise of “christian pop” in the US. That included christian violent martial arts (“jesus never gave up” team), christian heavy metal music bands, christian super heroes, christian motorbike gangs… and finally christian porn.
    (yes, Jay, I must admit, I was expecting some taste pics and ended up on this website!)

    But now I know what it is and more importantly, I understand why christians need to debate on this.
    It was too easy for me to think you guys are plain nuts.., but following this very interesting thread I must say I was so wrong. Nuts doesn’t mean you are lost in translation.

    You have decided on certain rules (The Bible, Jesus etc) and you try your best to fit them into this “complex” world. Not an easy task… You try to be coherent and that is hard and very brave!

    Nevertheless I see perplexed, how after 2000 years you are still try to adapt your foundation rules to the constantly changing context. To have incredibly intelligent debates like this one on whether is acceptable to write your wife an erotic story based on a template, or having professional erotic pics of your wife as long as they are taken by a female photographer” it just puzzles me.

    While I understand that society needs to agree upon certain basics to live in harmony… I would never dare to give them a spiritual dimension!

    I believe we are already enlightened beings” Our essence is divine and your God is within you.

    1. Jay Dee says:

      Yes, there is space, so long as you understand the community is religious and are respectful of that.

      So, I believe most Christians would argue with your base statement, that we decided on certain rules. From our perspective and belief, we did not decide on the rules. They are set out by God, who is an entity, which exists outside of space-time. As such, we believe the principles behind these rules to be timeless and true, however, the implementation of said rules must be adapted for us since we are constrained to corporeal existence. Now, the Bible gives us some 4000 years (give or take) of God telling people directly how to apply those rules to their time. What we are trying to do, 2000 years later, is, based on how we see those rules applied through the millennia, is to continue to apply those rules in a coherent and consistent manner, because we honestly believe that they are for the betterment of our own existence.

      Because we believe in a holistic life (the spiritual affects the physical, emotional, etc., and visa-versa), every question is spiritual, but even without that spiritual context, the same questions remain, and the same answers come up.
      Why don’t we watch porn? Well, you could answer purely spiritually and say God doesn’t want you to, or to make it a little more practical, that we believe watching porn is the equivalent of bring another person into your sexual relationship which is only supposed to be with your spouse. We could say it’s a sin, but there are underlying reasons behind it. We don’t believe God made arbitrary rules. We believe sex is best experienced between two people who are mated for life, with no other sexual experience, and the statistics I see tend to say the same. Thus, we push for abstinence prior to marriage, and we push for fidelity in marriage, including porn, including people seeing you naked in a sexual context, including erotic writing, because they can affect the brain in a negative way and impact your marriage. We push for this sexual purity outside of marriage in order to make marriages better, so that people can have the best sex ever inside of marriage.

      But, since our belief is holistic, that is a spiritual thing as well. We believe that if you have a healthier marriage, you will have a healthier relationship with God as well, because it’s easier to focus on God when you have a stable relationship with your spouse. Just as finances are a spiritual thing, because it’s easier to focus on God when you aren’t worrying about your debt. And as well, we believe God wants us to be successful and happy (not in a prosperity gospel way, but in a “God want’s what’s best for you” way, because He cares for us). So, something as mundane as paying taxes or taking out the garbage, or doing chores becomes spiritual.

      I hope that answers some of your questions. I’m more than willing to answer more if you have them, I just don’t want it to turn into a “does God exist” debate. Not that I’d shy from such a debate, but this is not the place for it. My focus here is to help Christians (and non-Christians if possible) have the best sex within marriage, and I think your questions, so far, go towards that goal.

  19. Tigress says:

    I love your definition but would actually go a step further. I actually would support real materials — videos, tutorials, erotica, etc — featuring married couples; real in the case of the videos, of course.

    I realize not all would go that far but sex itself is not a bad, and I think watching another married couple isn’t bad either. It may cause admiration and arousal, but that’s not the same as lust. Lust is wanting the people you’re watching, arousal is just being aroused by what you’re reading or watching.

    Sadly, there really aren’t such materials so we’re left with no choices, for those of us who believe sexuality is worth celebrating within its proper context — i.e. marriage.

    1. Anonymous says:

      With all due respect, I am quite puzzled. Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems you have missed the entire point of the post. “Tutorial” material inherently means sharing the details of your marriage bed activities with the general public… The definition of Christian porn provided in this post explicitly and very purposely excludes making private details public. Whether or not the actors in the pornographic material are married to each other is completely irrelevant. What is most definitely relevant is the fact that the viewer is absolutely NOT married to the parties involved in the explicit sexual display. The whole point of the definition provided here was to ensure that the only party reviewing said explicit material is the spouse of the author, and the spouse ALONE. The concept of public tutorials directly opposes the concept proposed in this post.

    2. Greville Constantine says:

      Tigress, you hit the nail right on the head. I’,d go one step further, creating a company that would produce such materials to cater to married christian couples. All we need is to find willing yet radical Christian couples who would not be inhibited to share their lovemaking in tutorial films to support other christian married couples love lives.

      1. Jay Dee says:

        I think you missed the point of her comment…

  20. Hiswifeforlife says:

    I would so love to try this but he is recovering from a forty year porn adddiction so I’ll have to take it very slowly indeed!

  21. Gina says:

    My husband and I make “Christian Porn” regularly. It’s one of the special treats I do for him. He likes to watch it while I give him oral sex.

    1. Greville Constantine says:

      Gina, you & your husband have proven my whole point. You two make your own films! No videogre necessary!”

  22. Greville Constantine says:

    I am going out on a limb here as I have been looking for this post to give my 2 bits. I will day my bit admitting that I haven’t read all the responses here. To say that using the name “Christian porn” is an oxymoron is being too jump the gun inmy opinion. OK, so “porn” is a word that is connected with sexual immorality, indecency, & outright filthiness. Fair enough. However I will be “advocate” here in saying “so what”. Yes, we as “a Royal priesthood, a CHOSEN generation ( as characterized by Apostle PETER) need not turn to such worldly & carnal things to find fulfillment. But to me, when will we realise that worldliness & carnality dominates & influences popular thinking & culture for far too long? Can we not say that while the church continues to debate within itself when something is right or wrong, popular culture redefines & transforms itself to adapt to deepening desires of man wanting to occupy more & more of his base desires. I say, if it is called Christian Porn, it is what is. Because as I see it, it is the christian movements answer to worldly carnality’s influence over man’s thinking & way of life. And a great service to help many “vulnerable” christian marriages out there that need the support & protection from lustful carnal sexual influences. So if it is christian porn, it is christian porn. Christian married couples should make innovative use of what God has given to us in the form of our beautiful sexuality, plan to see if it can and will work for their marriages, if necessary go to a good professional acting training course so that they can become the fantasy characters they dream or daydream about becoming ifthey want to ffulfill a visualization of their personal sex fantasies ( and I know there are many christian couples who do have sexual fantasies they want to fulfill), hire a trustworthy videographer at an affordable price who will maintain their complete privacy, once everything is in place make THEIR OWN PORNO FILMS. The end result being that the sanctity of the marriage bed remains intact, the couple finds an outlet where they can be their truly sexual selves, they become their own sexual refreshing because they are watching themselves on the film, and the secular porno industry becomes the obsolete factor in influencing any Christian thinking whatsoever. In this way a real sexual revolution & restoration takes place. You may think I am being farfetched about this, but let’s not forget that 25 years ago when the ‘amateur’ porn culture began to flourish, where ordinary people began making their own adult films in their living rooms & backyards & began distributing their films into the public arena, it created a HUGE niche market almost overnight. In fact it became so successful that professional (so called) adult movie stars & film companies almost became obsolete. It got so bad for them that they began offering lucrative contracts to amateur movie makers to let the veteran porno stars appear in their films as well. The only difference with christian porn is, it is not for public distribution. Only for private use by the married christian couple for stimulation & enhancement of their marriage relationships.

    1. Jay Dee says:

      Except that you’re inviting a videographer to watch you have sex…

  23. Zena says:

    Really as long as a couple are consenting, comfortable and only pleasing each other – who is to judge what they do and do not
    get up to in their marital bed/ home. Personally, there is absolutely no way that I would be discussing or seeking the approval of others
    regarding my sex life, nor would I betray my husbands confidence by discussing his!
    It genuinely baffles me the amount of attention that is given to matters of sex- martial or non.
    Especially when compared to the rest of every day life and the complex issues that we deal with daily, kids , family, caregiving,etc
    Sex seems so trivial,in comparison such a small part and so self indulgent.
    12 days with no sex/orgasm and struggling ?
    Get some self control.
    Had I read 12 days without food or water I could understand.
    Talk your own spouses and don’t follow what anyone says you can both do and not do – it’s your marriage , your sex- as a couple, your bodies- only do what you both agree on and feels right.

    1. Jay Dee says:

      It may seem trivial, but for those of us who are the higher sex-drive spouse, it has implications in all those other aspects of life that you mentioned.

      And yes, I think self-control does come…but that doesn’t mean it’s not hard. Frankly, I find 12 days without food easier than 12 days without sex. I can manage both, and have gone without one or the other for longer than 12 days, but that doesn’t make it easy.

    2. HopefullyHelpful says:

      One reason for the anonymity of these blogs is to allow people to open up because *we don’t know each other*–even if we do in the real world (yea, we could even be neighbors for all we know). These are just statements over the Net, only personally significant to those who post them. It’s like a textbook without an author–even more impersonal than a therapist or a doctor’s visit, so the only privacy your breaking is…whatever name you used to post. We can be real, open AND private. Great combo.

      “Sex seems so trivial,in comparison such a small part and so self indulgent.”

      I think that viewpoint is flawed. Unfortunately, many people (especially gatekeepers/refusers) have that viewpoint.

      But, really? How *did* those lovely kids come about, anyway? Or you, for that matter? Why so much hurt, then, when discovering spouse is into porn or masturbating or having an affair or secretly getting vasectomy, etc.. Should there be such a ruckus, instead of, “oh, after all, it’s so trivial?”

      Sex is *visceral* not intellectual.

      And as long as neither party is unhappy with it, then it *is* trivial. But it’s like blowing up a balloon; you can keep huffing and puffing–until it bursts. It is Just like that $30 electric bill; but if you don’t have $30 and they are about to cut the power, then it might as well be $30,000. At what point does it stop being trivial? 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months? 1 year? 5?

      Self control is possible and required in a marriage. Especially if Christian. But if marriage is supposed to be fair, don’t your think the one who is “not interested” should also apply “self control” to fulfill one of the main obligations of marriage? And if sex is so “trivial” then why is the only grounds of Scriptural divorce because of sex?

      If so “trivial”, then why not just *indulge* the wanting spouse because you just want them to be happy? Or just to stop whining?

      The Bible is quite clear: Sex is just as important as food and clothing (shelter) in a marriage (ref: Exodus 21:10-11).

      The movie “Street Fighter” had a hilarious, yet extremely deep line: Gen. Bison (Raul Julia) escapes murder by the female reporter whose family he had killed when she was young. When she fails the attempt, Bison says (not exactly. Watch the movie. That line is great:) “You see now the power of the Bison: The most important event in your being, that set the course you followed your whole life, that drove you madly till this point, the day that defined your entire existence was the day you met the Bison.
      For me–it was Tuesday.”

      Trivial is a relative term.

      Prayers to you.

  24. JR says:

    Gina, you are amazing!!! Thank you so much for “hitting us upside the head” with the reality of the fact that there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with home made Christian love making videos. What a great thing you have put into action. I would give anything if my wife would do that with me. Nothing could be more exciting than watch us together while we are making love. Good for you. Your husband will surely keep you. God bless you for your honesty and openness.

  25. Raymond says:

    I have been lurking around this site (and other similar sites) for a while now but this is the first time I’ve decided to contribute. I assume that a lot of Christians would include in the definition of porn the written word as well as pictures. Well, I’ve been reading some porn for quite a while now. It describes some very intense and erotic sexual activity between a man and his lover. Some of the wording is a little cryptic but having read some excellent articles explaining what the words mean leaves me in no doubt as to what it is really about. So, I would expect that the response to me from my fellow Christians would be to stop reading this porn and destroy it. But you see I can’t do that because the item is in the Inspired Word of God – The Bible. I am of-course, referring to the Song of Solomon. Apparently the Jews knew full well the true meaning of this book since Jewish boys were banned from reading it until they turned 12. I used to think that perhaps you could draw a possible sexual meaning from a couple of verses but the more I read about the book, the more I realize that virtually the whole book is deeply sexual.
    Blessings, Raymond.

    1. Jay Dee says:

      Oh, I agree, it’s deeply sexual. However, I have to say, I see a huge difference between Song of Songs, which I believe is instructive about how to treat sexuality in marriage more than anything else, and the erotica we see in books and online, even from “Christian” sources, which are designed to titillate and arouse someone else’s spouse.

    2. c0mm1tt3d says:

      That was my thought as well: the Song of Solomon is very erotic, therefore, even erotica CAN be biblical, but only within the confines of marriage if it is about/ between a husband and wife alone.

  26. frank says:

    Jay. Just came across this post. Very good. I do like the idea of taking erotic pics of my wife. Have only done it twice, took some convincing. It was fun.
    Have you heard of the site Marriage Heat. It’s interesting. Let me know your thoughts on the site.

    1. Jay Dee says:

      Here’s my thoughts on erotic literature: Should Christians Read Erotic Literature

      Now, if you want to write your own, I say go for it.

  27. Michael says:

    Jay this is my and comment on here, my 1st was a reply that broke the chain of addiction for me… Thank you Jesus, for setting me free… This is a response to the whole article…
    I LOVE IT!!! I agree completely with you! Christ made sex. He made the woman’s clitoris (I’m sorry, if that’s too graphic), the only function of that organ is pleasure. With all of that being said, sex is ONLY meant to be enjoyed, between you and your wife. Going out of town and having those pictures, using self control (fruit of the spirit), and not acting on them (masturbation), would just intensify that passion to be with her and please her when you return, especially for men, who generally are turned on by the physical. Like you, writing the erotica for you wife, and only your wife, over the period you’re away would increase her desire to be with you!!! Thank you SO much, for being obedient to God and writing this, knowing that you will receive criticism!! Satan has perverted sex and I believe you paint a very accurate and godly picture of what sex, as defined in the bible, should look like. Again thank you!!!

    1. Jay Dee says:

      Glad you enjoyed it an it helped change your life for the better! Thanks for sharing!

  28. Cathy says:

    Nice post. Porn is nasty and exploitative and unChristian. But pictures and videos made by a couple for their own consumption is fine. We did so on an old VHS camera in our 40s and enjoyed the process and the results. It has been something our now 60+ selves can look back on with some amusement! We pull it out from time to time on anniversaries.

  29. Matthew says:

    I was single for a good bit of my life, I just want to comment on your struggle to go 12 days without sex. The church teaches people should go without sex until they are married. When speaking to singles I wish Christians would think realistically before advising singles

    1. Jay Dee says:

      Hi Matthew,

      I do struggle to go 12 days. I also struggled during a particularly long 9 month stretch we didn’t have sex during our sexless years.
      I think the problem is that many singles “awaken love before it’s time” to quote Song of Solomon. There’s a big difference between going without sex when you’ve never had it, and going without it when you have it regularly. Likewise, it’s difficult to go without masturbating frequently when that is your habit.

      That doesn’t make the advice unrealistic. It means the initial advice likely wasn’t followed, and now you’re struggling with the weight of the consequences.

      That said, I am acutely aware that I don’t have the experience of being a single adult, and add that caveat often into the blog. But, I still believe the biblical guidance is correct, because I feel the affects of not following them in my teenage years, even 17 years into my marriage with the only woman I’ve had sexual contact with.

      1. picturetaker607 says:

        Just to clarify I am married. I would say hormones ‘awaken love’ and it is not a conscience decision

        1. Jay Dee says:

          There’s a huge difference between a natural drive to have sex, and experiencing sex and wanting it again. Orgasms are designed to make us crave them again.

  30. John says:

    I know that this is an old post but I see that you replied to posters not too long ago and I just wanted to say that I love how you worded this. Christian couples need to know that God designed men to be visual and sex to be pleasurable as well as intimate (see song of songs). For about the last year and a half I been trying to convince my wife to let me get a camera and snap some naked pics of her but she was so concerned about others finding them and kept saying no. Our sex life is great and she’s confident in her body but she has her concerns. However I came up with a great idea for this year’s anniversary which will be our 5th. I suggested she go get the wedding dress she wore for our ceremony and I shoot some sexy but classy pics of her in it like for example showing lots of cleavage, hiking up the skirt, etc. Then underneath the dress wear a sexy lacey wedding looking lingerie outfit and little by little strip while I shoot the pics til she’s completely naked then do some sexy poses nude but covering the privates like hands over nipples. I comprised with her that if we didn’t actually show any private parts if she’d be ok with this and I think so far she’s on board. I’m super excited for this cause not only would I find this super sexy but also a bonding experience and a creative plus special anniversary idea and something to keep the sparks flying in our marriage. Thanks for posting. Jesus bless

  31. Nunyo Beezwax says:

    I think the point of Michael fluds post was missed in the last two replies. it’s not about whether or not we should use the world’s words to describe things, the point is that the term “Christian porn” is erroneous. Period. the word “porn” comes from a greek word that means sexual immorality. add the word grapho to it and ‘pornography’ literally means “media showing sexual immorality”. followers of Christ cannot do this under any circumstances and are not doing this when they engage in sexual activity together.

    with all that said, this type of stuff is fine as long as the material is by the married couple ONLY and for that same married couple ONLY. once this is seen by anyone else, it becomes adultery.

  32. esuttles says:

    People mis-understand the Bible. A girl can be naked and insert her panties up inside her self. No Sin. She can masturbate with a baseball bat…. no sin. The sin is where a a person covets or commits adultery with a married man or woman.

    Going to a nude beach is NOT a sin. People want to equate Nudity with Adultery. We were born naked. Nothing wrong with being naked.

    Not to be crude here…If a naked girl walks on my porch and pees on my doormat, it might be bad taste, it might be illegal, It might be bizarre, but… It is NOT a SIN…

    1. Jay Dee says:

      Oh, I disagree entirely. Sin is simply not doing what is loving. A girl peeing on your doormat is clearly doing something malicious, and thus sinning.

  33. Tony says:

    I believe he’s simply referring to the finished work of Christ on the cross. The work of redemption and justification is complete because of Christ’s perfect sacrifice. His ongoing work is as our Shepherd and great High Priest, who ever lives to make intercession for us. Hope that helps, sir!

  34. anonymous says:

    its as sin if you don’t want her to pee on your doorstep!
    Side note Porn has save my marriage. My wife doesn’t like intimacy, kissing, necking and petting,breast play giving oral. she doesn’t respond to touching unless its caressing, sex talk or anything! she likes intercousre(quckies)and being caressed and her hair played with; thats it!
    I hate about 90-95% of porn because the way women are treated etc , but its the 5-10% that I have gotten good at looking for/at.
    People talk about how porn ruins everything and everybody but that aint truth. My wife has NEVER made love to me or I bet anybody ever, and trying to be sexual with her is like trying to have sex with a porcupine! Sex with her is like the first time all the time and after 17 years of marriage I’m a worse lover then the day we married.
    she really doesn’t know how to please a man and has no desire to please me. So when I here people talking about porn ruins everything and its horrible maybe, but I’m not doing the sinful act the people in the videos or movies are I’m just watching them.I don’t treat my wife disrespectfully I desire her, if porn wasn’t around id divorce strangle my wife or cheated on her! And id rather die then do any of those things!
    Ive turned off my brain to pleasuring her or receiving pleasure form her so I don’t go crazy and enter porn or vouyeurism!

    1. Jay Dee says:

      Why are those always the two options “watch porn or cheat”? Why not learn to have self-control or God forgive fix your marriage? Watching porn and masturbation just let the marriage dynamic continue as is. You’re basically excusing her behaviour by engaging in the bad behaviour of your own. Sort of an “I’ll sin so that you can continue sinning, and that way neither of us has to be held accountable and grow and can just continue to hurt each other.”

  35. Garth Harding says:

    I have been addicted to various forms of straight porn since age 12 by Uncle while studying my Bible.I was set free cold turkey in 40s but age 53 relapse briefly.I stopped in my 40s when choked to death by demonic India sucubus/incubus sex demons…like drugs innocuos subtle mirrored witchcraft…like sinful nature of any woman thanks to Jewish folklore Lilith first Eve wife.Soft porn and feminist erotica and gayness is everywhere now.I wouldn’t use the term Christian Porn but ” Christian erotica intimacy” like our Jewish Rabbinical seers would say.
    I am planning to go to Seminary and had two fiancees single moms abroad who wanted to marry me Christians.They were romantically naughty but within Christian respect borders.They wanted me financially secure to marry into their family.

  36. Kailey says:

    oWe did stuff like this and it just led him into actual porn addiction and then phone sex and lying about it for a year (after I had our second baby)

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