Struggling with porn

Nearly all men and somewhere between a third and half of women struggle with porn at some point. Let’s face it, it’s everywhere. You will likely be influenced by it, either directly or indirectly.

So, how do we handle that? How do we break free from it, how do we deal with what we’ve seen, how do we support our spouses who are struggling, and what do we teach our kids about it?

We’re working to answer all these questions and while we don’t have all the answer yet, here are posts on the topic to help you get started:

Have you prepared your kids for the first time they will see porn?
I miss porn
Can you divorce a spouse because of porn use?
Porn can cause depression, even after you quit
How NOT to quit porn
How does porn use harm a marriage?
What is Christian porn?

If you’re struggling with porn, we also recommend Covenant Eyes. We use it in our house not only to block harmful material, but also to give a heads up when they still manage to stumble across something that we should talk about.