Spicing up your sex life in marriage

Trying to spice up your sex life is the number one reason people visit our website. It’s not surprising, because Christians don’t have a lot of places they can go to learn about sex. Chances are your parents and church didn’t talk to you much about sex, and almost certainly not what to do when you’re looking to expand your sexual repertoire in marriage.

When searching online you’re more likely to come across porn, which even if you were okay with watching porn (I’m not), it’s a terrible teacher.

But, if you found yourself here – congratulations. We have a bunch of resources to help you do just that without telling you to go have a threesome, watch porn, have an open marriage, try swinging, or numerous other ideas that are more likely to destroy your marriage than help it.


Our Sexploration List – Our workbook of over 400 activities a couple can do that don’t violate biblical principles and help you find where you match up (also has a web-based app)
Spice Jar – Printable list deck of things to try
Sexy Memory – Foreplay game
Truth or Dare – Game


How to spice up your sex life
The worst time to spice up your sex life
The one thing that will make you better in bed
How to ask for what you want in bed
Do spouses have the right to refuse specific sexual acts?
What can Christians do in the bedroom?
Why we need to improve our sex life
Are sex toys allowed in a Christian marriage?
How do I get my husband to be more creative when initiating sex?
Do you have time to explore?

If you still have questions or are struggling in your marriage after implementing those ideas, then contact us to ask a question, or get coaching.