Sex, clothing & lights survey

Jay Dee

Sex, clothing & lights survey

Aug 29, 2017

As my long time readers know, we have long standing practice of running surveys.  In fact, we have quite the list going from surveys done over the years: Some “rough” sex statistics Is my spouse attracted to me? Reasons not to have sex Are sex

Christian Sex SurveysAs my long time readers know, we have long standing practice of running surveys.  In fact, we have quite the list going from surveys done over the years:

  1. Some “rough” sex statistics
  2. Is my spouse attracted to me?
  3. Reasons not to have sex
  4. Are sex toys allowed in a Christian marriage?
  5. Oral sex
  6. Going to bed naked
  7. Mutual masturbation
  8. Christians, anal sex and anal play
  9. Female ejaculation / squirting / gushing
  10. Work and school arrangements affect sex
  11. Wives and their orgasm experiences
  12. Sex during pregnancy
  13. Erotic literature
  14. Orgasm difficulties
  15. What affect does premarital sex have on a marriage?
  16. Do Christians make sex tapes?
  17. Sexual positions
  18. Do Christians shave their pubic hair?
  19. Do Christians have sex during their period?
  20. Orgasming from oral sex
  21. Talking about sex

Twenty one surveys asking tons of embarrassing and awkward questions you generally don’t hear in conversation, but people are intensely curious about.  I think it’s awesome.

And every time we run a survey we get more and more responses.  Our first survey, I think I maybe got between 100 and 150 people.  For this survey, we’re going to aim for 700 respondents, I expect we’ll get it.  Largely because I’m going to pester you all until we get them 🙂  In fact, I won’t do the analysis until we hit it, be that a week or a month or 6 months.  I mean, it shouldn’t be difficult.  There are over 2000 people on the mailing list alone.   You just have to be willing to invest 30 seconds of your time.

This survey is going to be on the topic of how your comfort level being naked with your spouse affects your sex life.  Do you have sex with the lights on?  Do you have sex naked?  Or are you always at least partially clothed with the lights off in the dead of night?  And more important, what affect does this have on your sex life?

If you’re willing to take less than a minute to fill out a few questions, I’d love to have your anonymous information to add to the dataset.

You can fill out the survey here, and don’t forget to join the mailing list so you don’t miss out on the results.

1 thoughts on “Sex, clothing & lights survey”

  1. Jerry says:

    After taking this survey, and re-reading it several times, I have observed that there seems to be an assumption about the “where”. Covers on or covers off? There are no covers on our couches, floors, kitchen counter, stairs, bathtub/shower, laundry room or patio. I will also say that when we have sex in most of those locations, the lights are on. As far as the children questions, we are empty nesters, so by not answering any of them it could skew the results a little.

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