Search Results for: survey

International Female Orgasm Day – August 8

Today (August the 8th) is International Female Orgasm Day! In case you haven’t heard of it, International Female Orgasm Day (or International Day of the Female Orgasm, depending on the translation) is a holiday started in Brazil to raise awareness of female sexuality.  The intention

Anonymous Question: My wife wants to be gagged

Every so often, I get an anonymous question from a reader, and sometimes I write a post (like Should Christians mix alcohol and sex?) in response.  Sometimes I conduct a survey, then write a post in response (like Does my husband still find me attractive).

Book Review: The Passion Principles

The Passion Principles: Celebrating Sexual Freedom in Marriage by Shannon Ethridge (author of The Fantasy Fallacy: Exposing the Deeper Meaning Behind Sexual Thoughts) is all about sex within marriage (my favorite topic).  It is less a book, in the traditional sense, and more a collection of articles, almost

Is anal sex a sin?

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Last week I posted the survey results of our anal sex and anal play survey, and some of the responses and comments indicated that there were moral objections to anal intercourse.  As well, some people explicitly asked for a post discussing the biblical stance on anal sex,

Christians, Anal Sex and Anal Play

I’ve been getting questions about anal sex and Christian marriage almost since we launched the blog.  Every week, we get unfulfilled searches on our blog, emails from readers, and survey respondent comments asking about this topic.  I’ll be honest, I’ve shied away from it a

What can Christians do in the bedroom?

A common question among Christians is “What is allowed in the bedroom?” or “Are there any activities we’re not allowed to do during sex?”  This is a confusing topic, mostly, because we (the church) have made it confusing.  I think the Bible is pretty clear on

Book Review: Sex Savvy

Sex Savvy is sort of a cross between a how-to book, a psychology/physiology lesson, a sermon on sexuality and a conversation between two friends.  I don’t know how else to describe it.  J Parker (the author and blogger at Hot, Holy & Humorous) came to

Birth Control Options for Christians

We’ve been talking about birth control for about the last month.  First we discussed non-procreative sex, then permanent birth control measures, and now we’re going to discuss birth control itself.  Birth control is a messy topic for Christians. We have to combine our beliefs on

Is Mutual Masturbation OK for Married Christians?

I’ve written about solo masturbation fairly extensively in previous posts, but I haven’t touched on the subject of shared, or mutual masturbation yet.  Two weeks ago, in my Going to Bed Naked Survey Results post, Chris Tian asked if I would write about this topic, because