Search Results for: survey

Do orgasm times change as you get older?

I received this question from our anonymous Have A Question page about a week ago: Do all women take a long time to have an orgasm? I feel like I am weird or something because it doesn’t take much time for me to have to

Delayed Ejaculation

I had intended to write this post last year some time, after our orgasm difficulties survey.  But, I guess I got sidetracked with a bunch of other topics, and it was forgotten until yesterday’s post.  It’s a bit ironic that the post on delayed ejaculation

Discussion about initiating sex

We’re going to try something a bit different today, we’re going to try a discussion question.  Basically, I’m not going to write a post, I’m just going to ask a couple of questions and open the floor to comments below. Because sometimes I get questions

Can you have sex during your period?

We’re currently running a survey on period sex (if you haven’t filled it out, please do so), and the responses have been fascinating.  It’s fun to skim through the comments people have written to see the wide variety of opinions and practices.  One that comes up

Do Christians shave their pubic hair?

For those of you who have filled out the survey (and if you didn’t, you still can here), you know that one of the reasons I ran the survey was because someone made the comment: [My wife] claims that NO ONE does that every week,

What do you do if sex is painful?

Yesterday I wrote a post dealing with a question I’d received from our anonymous Have A Question page.  The post was on whether or not a marriage can survive without sex.  But, there was another question within the one comment that I wanted to address,

Can a marriage survive without sex?

I received this question from our anonymous Have A Question page about a week ago: Can a Christian marriage survive without it ever once being consummated? My wife and I had pain issues in every attempt to consummate our relationship. We stopped trying altogether about

Is it alright to ejaculate on my wife?

I received this anonymous question last night through our Have A Question page.  I have more than have been there longer, and I intend to answer them, but today I don’t have much time, so I picked it because I thought it would be short.  Plus,