Preparing for marriage

We started this website with a mind of improving Christian marriages. For the last decade or so, we’ve been mostly focused on people who were already marriage. To be honest, there was enough there to work on for over a decade.

But we’re starting to expand into preparing for marriage as well, particularly as our children are growing up and entering the age when they have to start thinking about these things.

How do you find a good spouse? How do you prepare for sex? Should you disclose past sexual relationships or porn use? These are all good questions that need answers. Frankly, we haven’t really gotten around to writing about them yet. There are a few bits here and there throughout the side, but little in the way of dedicated posts, and no resources.

But we’re working on them.

In the meantime, here is what we do have so far:

Why masturbation is a problem, whether you’re married or single
How does pre-marital sex impact married sex lives – survey results
Your relationship has to be based on more than just sex
Why you shouldn’t ask for God to take away your sex drive
Is oral sex a sin before marriage?

If you still have questions or are struggling in your marriage after implementing those ideas, then contact us to ask a question, or get coaching.