Post-sex dynamic and routines survey

Jay Dee

Post-sex dynamic and routines survey

Jul 31, 2018

Well, it’s time for another survey. I’ve received a few questions (including one from Keelie over at, that I thought I could roll into a survey.  We’re asking questions about what happens after sex, refractory periods, and the like. We appreciate you being willing

Well, it’s time for another survey.

I’ve received a few questions (including one from Keelie over at, that I thought I could roll into a survey.  We’re asking questions about what happens after sex, refractory periods, and the like.

We appreciate you being willing to help us out and give your anonymous data so that we can help answer people’s questions, especially the ever-asked “am I normal?”

So, just fill out the survey here, and be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss the results!

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