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SWM 039 – Anonymous Questions from January 2019 – Part 3

Anonymous Questions from our readers

This is the third and final part of our January anonymous questions Have A Question page.

If you heard the previous two parts of these questions, I was trying to sort the questions by topic. Today we’re tackling some questions about sex drive, and then a bunch that didn’t fit into any nice categories.

SWM 037 – Anonymous Questions from January 2019 – Part 1

Anonymous Questions from our readers

Well, here we are, another month nearly gone, and another pile of questions from our anonymous Have A Question page begging for answers. In fact, I got so many in January, it took me nearly all month to write answers for them, and it’s going to take me a little longer to record podcast episodes, but I am working on it. So, this is just Part 1 of the January responses.

Before we get to those though, I want to mention a few things.

SWM035 – Anonymous Questions from December 2018

Anonymous Questions from our readers

It’s been a busy couple of months for our Have A Question page, so I thought I’d get some of these answers out so they don’t pile up too much. If you have a question you’d like answered anonymously, you can ask it there, or just email me at [email protected] (which I prefer) so we can actually get a discussion going and some more context.

Anonymous Questions – Oct 10, 2018

Anonymous Questions from our readers

It’s been almost two months since I answered anonymous questions, so I thought I’d catch up. For those who are new to the site, these questions are all gathered from our anonymous Have A Question page.  If you have a question that you’d like answered,

Anonymous Questions – Aug 14, 2018

Anonymous Questions from our readers

It’s been about a month since our last Anonymous Questions posting, so I thought I’d catch up, as I have a couple of questions that I haven’t yet answered.  For those who are new to the site, these questions are all gathered from our anonymous

Anonymous Questions – July 5, 2018

Anonymous Questions from our readers

It’s amazing how a month can just fly right by.  I just realized I haven’t done one of these since May.  So, it’s about time we catch up. Here are the anonymous questions we’ve received lately from our Have A Question page. Question 1: Grooming

Anonymous Questions – May 30, 2018

Anonymous Questions from our readers

Well, it hasn’t quite been a week, but I wanted to get our weekly email out because of an announcement (if you missed it, subscribe to make sure you don’t miss any more). In the mean time, I also have two anonymous questions from our

Anonymous Questions – May 25, 2018

Anonymous Questions from our readers

Well, here we are for another round of anonymous questions.  As mentioned in the weekly update (subscribe here if you didn’t get it), I’ll be answering them here for those who want to read and comment below. If you’d rather join the discussion happening as

Privacy Policy

You know, I hate privacy policy pages.  They take up space, and no one reads them.  But, they’re sort of required in this day and age, so here’s my attempt to cover my bases without sounding like a legal robot. At Uncovering Intimacy (, we’re