One of our largest topics of conflict (in the past) is that I (from her perspective) “want sex all the time”. I have a pretty hard time denying that allegation, because, well, it’s true. I see this theme a lot in my readings on message
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How To Spice Up Your Sex Life
OK, I know, I know, every blog about marriage, relationships, etc has at least one article with that title. They usually have a large list of techniques, activities. Maybe they suggest a blindfold (gasp). But that’s the easy stuff. I think you want something
Praying With Your Spouse
Looking to improve your marriage? Start praying with your spouse. It promotes vulnerability and intimacy, which will enhance all aspects of your relationship.
Sexual Bets To Drive Personal Development
How we used sexual bets to push ourselves to work on our personal development goals.
What Should I Get My Husband For Father’s Day?
So, its Fathers Day. Do you have a gift yet? I have good news for you. You don’t need to buy one. Here’s what most husbands want for Fathers Day.
New Twist on an old Game: Sexual Bets
Looking for an easy way to spice up sex? Here’s a simple method that costs nothing and anyone can do.
What I Hate About Breastfeeding
OK, this is largely a rant, so hang on. Let me preface this by saying I’m 100% in favour of breastfeeding children. I think breast milk is the healthiest option for infants. All our children have been exclusively breastfed, and I would never suggest anything
Is sex a need or want in marriage?
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this topic for the last few days, weeks, months, and years. I guess it’s been on my mind since I got married or shortly afterwards. As stated in my first post, my marriage started off a little
Why your wife doesn’t know what she wants
Does your wife have trouble telling you what she wants? Do you feel like she expects you to read her mind? Ever wonder why she can’t just tell you?
Pregnancy and sex
Are you or your wife pregnant? Has it changed your sex life, or are you worried it will? Here’s my experience of how sex life changes due to pregnancy.
Sexual Frequency: Why I Don’t Worry Anymore
For the first 8 or so years of our marriage, we were in constant argument was the frequency of sex. This seems to be common among many Christian marriages.
Why is it a struggle? How do you resolve the struggle?