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Why do some wives like their hair pulled?

This is a question that confuses some husbands, and some wives as well, including those who like their hair pulled.  They wonder why they like it.  They didn’t like it growing up when their siblings pulled their hair, and in any other circumstance it’s not

2013 Annual Review

Well, another year has passed.  Sex Within Marriage will be 2 years old in a couple weeks time and it’s been an amazing experience.  I’ve learned a lot about blogging, Social Media, and search engine optimization in an effort to give more people access to

How to talk to a refuser

The other day on our way home from a Christmas party we were talking and Jay was telling me he doesn’t know what to say or how to answer people’s comments and emails when they say that they are being refused and are hurting. This

Book Review: The Fantasy Fallacy

Last month, I finally got to read The Fantasy Fallacy by Shannon Ethridge.  It had been in my kindle for a while just itching to be read.  The Fantasy Fallacy addresses a timeless question I think, but made even more timely in our particular age,

Does having kids ruin your sex life?

It’s a fairly common belief: the idea that kids ruin your sex life.  We see it in movies, in TV shows.  It’s so pervasive that it’s become almost accepted as truth.  In fact, there are couples who decide not to have kids, because of this

Oral Sex Survey Results

Here are the final results of the oral sex survey I eluded to in my post Is it okay NOT to swallow. If you don’t want to read through all the stats, you can jump to my summary at the bottom. Total Respondents 136 (52

Is it OK not to swallow?

For most of our marriage, oral sex has been very one sided.  For the first years, it was solely me performing oral sex on my wife, and never the other way around.  It took her years to get accustomed to the idea, actually it’s a

Is it okay to track how often you have sex?

How often do you have sex?  Do you know?  Are you sure?  Do you ever have a disagreement about when the last time you had sex was?  Or how often you have sex on average?  I came across a study once (I wish I could

Is masturbation a sin?

This has been an ongoing discussion/disagreement between Paul Byerly and I for just over a year now.  I have a great respect for Paul, and enjoy our game of theological tennis, even if we don’t see eye to eye on a few topics.  It all started with

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