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Book Review: Sex Savvy

Sex Savvy is sort of a cross between a how-to book, a psychology/physiology lesson, a sermon on sexuality and a conversation between two friends.  I don’t know how else to describe it.  J Parker (the author and blogger at Hot, Holy & Humorous) came to

Scared of Initiating Sex

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I think a lot of spouses are scared of initiating sex and I think that fear exists on all sides: high drive, low drive, husband, wife, they may have different reasons for being scared, but I think many of us are scared of initiating sex

Birth Control Options for Christians

We’ve been talking about birth control for about the last month.  First we discussed non-procreative sex, then permanent birth control measures, and now we’re going to discuss birth control itself.  Birth control is a messy topic for Christians. We have to combine our beliefs on

Permanent Birth Control Survey Results

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A few weeks ago, I wrote a post on non-procreational sex, and still plan to write one on birth control (I did, it’s here), but I had a reader asking about permanent birth control, so, I thought I’d tackle this first with a survey.  He

Mutual Masturbation Survey Results

A few weeks ago, we wrote about mutual masturbation and tacked on a survey at the end.  I had meant to write a more substantial post today on another topic, but to be honest, my brain is exhausted, and I just can’t wrap my head around

Is Non-procreative sex OK for Christians?

I received this question on non-procreative sex through our “Have a Question?” page: Hello, I’m so happy to have found your site but I am confused on a very fundamental level. I understand that for my partner and I to have non-procreational sex outside of

Is Mutual Masturbation OK for Married Christians?

I’ve written about solo masturbation fairly extensively in previous posts, but I haven’t touched on the subject of shared, or mutual masturbation yet.  Two weeks ago, in my Going to Bed Naked Survey Results post, Chris Tian asked if I would write about this topic, because

Should Christians Mix Alcohol and Sex?

A couple of days ago, I was asked this question through our anonymous Have A Question? page.    This couple was considering adding alcohol to their bedroom activities, and asked what the pros and cons might be.  Now, I should disclose and say that I’m one

Going to bed naked survey results

Last week we wrote a post about going to bed naked, how it could improve your frequency of sex.  I’ll be honest, it was a hypothesis.  I had only a data-set of one marriage to go on (my own).  So, I thought I’d add a

Want more sex? Go to bed naked!

One thing my wife started doing when we were trying to improve our sex life was to start to go to bed naked.  Now, she doesn’t actually like to sleep naked, she gets weird dreams, or is too cold, but between taking her clothes that

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