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Book Review: Pulling Back the Shades

Pulling Back the Shades: Erotica, Intimacy and the Longings of a Woman’s Heart, by Dannah Gresh and Dr. Juli Slattery is a book all about what drives the female mind with regards to sex.  It seems to be intended for a female audience, to help

Erotic Literature Survey Infographic

Here is an Infographic based on the results of our Erotic Literature Survey (you can still fill it out if you missed it, we’ll use the results in future posts).  I’ll be writing a post giving my thoughts on the subject this week, but thought

Erotic Literature Survey

This survey was actually sent to me by a reader.  We’ve talked about porn in the past, but not much about erotic literature.  So, he was curious about the prevalence of erotic literature reading in Christian marriages.  I tweaked it a bit (with his permission),

Shame vs Embarrassment

This week a very good friend of mine, sent me an email with the subject “Found a great blog”, and the body of the email was just a link to this blog and the words “What do you think?” In case you didn’t catch that…my friend

When do I give up hope?

A question that comes up often in my talks with spouses is “When do I give up hope?”  After all, if divorce isn’t an option and you can’t make your spouse do anything, what are the chances that they’re just going to “come around” and be

Who should initiate sex, husband, or wife?

I was asked this question recently over Twitter, so it’s not quite anonymous, but well, it was easier to stick with the same graphic.  Plus, I didn’t ask if the questioner wanted to be attributed, so I thought it best to keep it this way.

What 2015 has in store for us

Last week, WordPress sent me my annual “year in review” email.  The results are here if you care to see them.  It’s funny, last year I had planned to post every Wednesday, and that shows…for 4 months.  Then it sort of fell apart and I

Making New Years’ Resolutions Stick

Well, it’s that time of year again, when people start making resolutions.  “This year’s going to be different” you say!  But what are you doing to ensure it’s different.  What makes you more likely to attain your resolutions this year? Well, I thought I would offer some

Milestone reached and something for our readers!

This Sunday we hit a pretty incredible milestone: One Million Views.  Of course, if you know anything about blogging and/or websites, you know that a “view” or “hit” doesn’t equal someone reading.  Google’s best estimate places the number of people who have read our blog

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