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Is it a sin to lust after your wife?

I received this through our Have A Question page where readers submit anonymous questions: Is it a sin to lust after your wife.  The Bible says to not covet your neighbors wife.   But is it wrong to covet your own wife.   to look longingly at her

An update on what’s going on at SWM

Well, we’ve been busy at  I know, it doesn’t always look like it, because I haven’t been writing as many posts, and I’m sorry for that. I thought I’d write a quick post just to let you know what’s going on, because, honestly, I’m

Adult Nursing Relationships

Adult Nursing Relationships - all the questions you're too embarrassed to ask

I’ve been putting off this post for a long time, but after writing about why men are breast obsessed, it seemed an opportune time to bring it up.  So, today we’re going to talk about Adult Nursing Relationships, also known as ANRs, and more specifically,

Why are men obsessed with breasts?

This week Christina asked me why I act differently when she’s changing, particularly when she’s topless.  I’m sure most wives at some point wonder, why it is that their husbands are so obsessed with their breasts.  I know for myself, if my wife’s shirt and

Is it sinful for a woman to wear pants?

This week I saw this question in my moderation queue: I want to ask about clothing, about woman not wearing what belongs to a man. I need explanation on that because i feel deut 22 vs 5 is misunderstood. That looked like a fun topic,

Sexual Positions Survey Results

At the request of a few readers, I ran a survey a week and a bit ago asking people what their favorite positions were during sex.  And I decided to hold out doing the analysis until we hit 500 respondents.  That seemed to work, because we

Do not be deceived

I come across a pattern from time to time in this ministry.  Couples who get deceived by something evil, thinking it’s good.  I got a message just yesterday showcasing this pattern yet again.  So, I thought I’d write a quick post in the hopes that

Making help more affordable

I thought I’d let you guys know of a change over at Anonymous Marriage Coaching (my coaching practice).  Since I started coaching I’ve had the pleasure of helping a lot of couples through coaching, and that’s been an awesome experience.  However, I’ve also talked to

We're launching a new workshop - help us make it perfect with your thoughts