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Why is sex better when my spouse is drunk?

Why is sex better when my spouse is drunk?

Here’s a question I know quite a few people struggle with.  I know I have in the past.  To be honest, the idea is still a bit tempting even though we don’t drink anymore. I often like to get my wife drunk so we can

Why is initiating sex so difficult?

  If you’re married, you likely have some difficulty initiating sex.  Whether you’re a husband or wife, high drive or low drive, we have all have potential obstacles that can hold us back from showing our spouse we want to be physically intimate with them.

Sometimes you need to stop talking

Sometimes you need to stop talking

I’m always going to be in favor of communication, but there are times when you need to stop talking and just start actually doing something, even in marriage where communication is a vital skill.  Today we’re going to look at some of these things. 1.

Why it’s important to talk about sex

Why it's important to talk about sex

Every once in a while, someone contacts me saying their spouse won’t talk to them about sex.  Sometimes it’s part of a larger issue of not wanting to talk at all, but often every other topic is acceptable, it’s just sex that isn’t.  So, I

A day of sex

A Day of Sex

We tried something recently that I thought I’d share, because it might interest some of you.  Warning: If you’re currently in a marriage where your spouse is actively gate-keeping or refusing sex, don’t read this.  It will just irritate you. I was listening to some

How do you do kegel exercises?

How do you do kegel exercises?

My regular readers should know by now that we’re doing a 30-day kegel exercise challenge, and today is day 1!  Now, if you want to participate in the group, you should join it on Facebook here. I thought I’d write a quick post about how

Who wants to join a 30 day kegel exercise challenge?

Who wants to join a 30 day kegel exercise challenge?

Do you know what kegel exercises are?  Alright, if you do, you can skip the next paragraph.  If not, listen up. Your kegel muscles are basically your pelvic floor muscles.  They’re heavily involved in anything bathroom or bedroom related (waste expulsion, orgasm, etc.).  Kegel exercises

Are you preparing your life for ministry?

Are you preparing your life for ministry?

This weekend my family and I were camping up north at a Christian family camp.  Cold weekend.  Dropped to three degrees Celsius the first night (that’s 37.4 degrees Fahrenheit for my American readers).  A bit chilly for a tent.  But, we survived. Now, I didn’t