February Squat Challenge

Jay Dee

February Squat Challenge

Feb 01, 2018

From time to time, I like to run month-long challenges. Some of you joined us for our DietBet game, and even more for our Kegel challenge. This month, we’re going to be doing squats. Why do a squat challenge? Well, squats have a lot of

From time to time, I like to run month-long challenges. Some of you joined us for our DietBet game, and even more for our Kegel challenge. This month, we’re going to be doing squats.

Why do a squat challenge?

Well, squats have a lot of benefits. For one, it’s just plain good exercise. It works your large leg muscles, which is always good for burning calories. You might be surprised at just how tired you get from simply going up and down even without added weight.

Secondly, doing squats also works your core and PC muscles. Which, if you remember from the Kegel challenge, are very helpful when it comes to having better sex. Plus, it gets blood flowing in that region, which can help “wake” some things up :). It helps guys with their thrusting, as well as dealing with ED and PE problems. For women, it can help with bladder control and ability to orgasm. For everyone, these sorts of exercises tend to result in better orgasm control and stronger orgasms. Nice side-benefit from working out, right?

Lastly, my wife did a squat challenge once and it made her butt look even more amazing than it normally does. So, I’m considering that a sexual benefit too, but for your spouse.

What I’m doing

For the month of February, I’m going to be doing squats every day, and each day I’m going to do 10 more than the previous day. So, today I’ll do 10, tomorrow 20, the next day 30, and so on.

I know there are other schedules out there, but I think this is easy to remember. You don’t need to look up the schedule. If you know the date, you know how many squats to do. So, by February 28, I should be doing 280 squats. Sounds crazy, but I think it’s doable.

Now, you’re welcome to do what I’m doing, or feel free to modify it to whatever works for you and your level of fitness. I’m not a doctor nor a fitness trainer, so you’ll have to use your own discretion about what is safe and healthy for you (That’s my disclaimer. Don’t sue me.) The point is to get moving and doing the squats.

How to do a proper squat

As I said, I’m not a trainer, so I’m going to let others explain how to do a proper squat. I found this video on YouTube that shows how to do one properly, focusing on your form:

Don’t want to watch the video, here’s a cheat sheet:

I also found a post at Fitness Magazine about the 6 things you are likely doing wrong while doing a squat.

How to join the challenge

Of course, you can simply take in the challenge and do it yourself, or with your spouse. However, if you want some support and a community of people all focused in the same challenge, I’ve created a Facebook group to help hold us accountable, plus give us somewhere to complain when our legs are burning after doing x number of squats.

Also, these groups tend to have a lot of discussions about marriage simply because we have a bunch of marriage-minded Christians together, and they invariably get curious about how other people handle struggles and opportunities for growth in their marriage, and they finally have a safe place to do so.

If that sounds like fun to you, check out the Facebook group here. It’s a closed group, so no one can see what you are posting in there. Once in, feel free to invite your spouse or friends to the group.

5 thoughts on “February Squat Challenge”

  1. Norah says:

    Looking forward to my squat booty.

  2. Courtney Reese says:

    Let’s get it!!

  3. Ann says:

    I will try, try again, but you might consider for some of us who are not in great “squatty” shape, adding 10 a day could take us out of walking condition!!

    1. Jay Dee says:

      That’s okay, as I said, modify it to fit your abilities. Add 5 a day?

      1. Ann says:

        I’m game and I’ll work up slowly. For women squats can also reduce or eliminate the risks of leaks that can happen when we sneeze and that is important!

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