Category Archives: Physical Intimacy

Dealing with a Bait and Switch

I received this question from our anonymous Have A Question page about a month ago: My wife and I have had a troubled sex life for years. Before we were married it was incredible and she fulfilled every desire I had(yes we know it was

Do orgasm times change as you get older?

I received this question from our anonymous Have A Question page about a week ago: Do all women take a long time to have an orgasm? I feel like I am weird or something because it doesn’t take much time for me to have to

Should I be upset if my spouse falls asleep during sex?

So, I got this question yesterday from our anonymous Have A Question page: Last night my husband decided to finish inside me and since I was no where near orgasm at the time, we thought I should be finished with toys. Anyway, my orgasm wasn’t

You cannot make a refuser generous

I get a lot of husbands and wives asking me how to change their spouse.  How do you make them go from a refuser to a generous spouse?  After all, I managed it, so what’s the trick?  The truth is, I didn’t manage it.  There

Christians and Erectile Dysfunction Medication

Here’s a question I received from our anonymous Have a Question page about dealing with erectile dysfunction: Hey Jay! Have you ever dealt with the Christian’s response to medications that are designed to help men with E.D.? I’m into my 60’s now and the equipment

Garbage In – Garbage Out

When I was in school for software engineering, we had a lot of acronyms that floated around.  One of the was GIGO.  Garbage In – Garbage Out. The point was that we always had to validate what the user put into a computer program, because

We tend to do what we like

I received this anonymous question from our Have A Question page back in a couple of months ago. I’m married for 29 years. I love being with my husband sexually but why do I always have to remind him slow and soft during foreplay.  You

I miss porn

Some days I miss porn.  Isn’t that sick?  It’s true though.  And I think a lot of people who have quit porn miss it from time to time. Same goes for masturbating.  And often the two are tied together, but they aren’t always.  There are

Your friends are fake

It’s true.  We live in a world full of fake people.  We watch them, we compare ourselves to them, we judge ourselves by their standard.  But they’re all fake.  I’m talking about our social media friends.  Our social networks of fans, followers and peeps. We

Can Christians Pursue Sexual Pleasure?

I have a reader (who I won’t out, because I didn’t ask if I could), often sends me emails with questions related to married, Christian sexuality.  I love getting them, because, thinking about this stuff and sharing it is one of my passions (thus this

Don’t do the devil’s work for him

There are a lot of the times that we do the devils work for him.  We repeat his lies, we carry his messages, we relay his orders.  I think this happens a lot more than we realize, and I think we need to be more

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