Category Archives: Sex

3 myths that kill maintenance sex

3 myths that kill maintenance sex

I fully believe that married sex should be erotic, frequent, adventurous and a host of other things.  However, sometimes there’s just not enough time for all of those things. Life can get busy and occasionally you just have to have sex, because that’s what the

Are you the gatekeeper of sex?

Are you the gatekeeper of sex?

It often happens that one spouse becomes the gatekeeper of sex in a marriage. I think a lot of the time, they don’t even realize they are.  Sometimes it’s because they’re selfish.  Sometimes it’s because they have misunderstandings about sex.  Sometimes it’s because they have

Do you have time to explore?

Do you have time to explore?

We’re having a rough time lately with regard to bed times. Our youngest just doesn’t want to sleep when we want to sleep when we want to sleep.  He’ll pass out on the floor at supper time, which is a terrible time for a nap

Do you feel like a sexual being, or a sexual object?

Do you feel like a sexual object or a sexual being?

I’m trying to process something I was thinking about on my commute home today.  It has to do with this verse: The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not

Having kids does not mean a healthy sex life

Sometimes we make assumptions about the couples around us.  Sometimes they make assumptions about us. I remember when were still in our sexless phase, we managed to have two kids.  We seem to be a very fertile couple.  Now, don’t get me wrong, that’s a

Last minute sexy Christmas gifts

Last Minute Sexy Christmas Gifts

I had someone ask about sexy Christmas gifts they can get their spouse.  So, here’s a very quick run through of some things that I think you could still manage to get by Christmas. 1. Books ($10 and under) Amazon will let you know if

How do you stop sinful behaviours? – Part 2

How do you stop sinful behaviours- Part 2

Last week I wrote a post about how to stop sinful behaviours.  In truth, I only gave half the answer. I wrote about recognizing how wretched we are and continuously dying to self.  I focused on that because as Christians, we tend to skip that

How do you stop sinful behaviours?

How do you stop sinful behaviours?

I get a lot of comments and questions from people asking “How do I stop sinful behaviour?” and it’s a difficult question to answer.  Whether you’re trying to quit porn, yelling at your kids, or overeating, it’s really the same issue.  Our sinful nature is

Is make-up sex a myth?

I received a question recently about the topic of make-up sex.  It’s something I’ve been thinking about as well for the last year or so, so I’m glad they brought it up. Here’s the question (used with permission): Today at church, I was in the

Is it sinful for widows to masturbate?

Is it okay for widows to masturbate?

How do you answer the question of whether or not it’s okay for widows to masturbate?  Well, I got asked this very question back in August and I’ll admit, I’ve been hesitant to answer it.  Here’s the comment from our Are sex toys allowed in

10 steps to better orgasms for wives

10 steps to improving orgasms for wives

Way back in 2014, someone asked in our Wives’ Orgasm Experiences survey how to have better orgasms for women: Beyond how to achieve orgasm, I’d like to hear from other wives on how they have gotten their orgasms stronger or more complete.  I often feel

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