Category Archives: Sex

Your relationship has to be based on more than just sex

Your relationship has to be based on more than just sex

I was talking with Keelie from today and we got into a conversation about intimacy.  In particular, about intimacy while dating.  It ended up being a good discussion, and so I thought I’d share what I shared with her because this affects not only couples

Why lower-drive spouses should initiate sex

One of the largest, and yet least talked about, struggles in marriage is the difference in sex drives.  Often one spouse ends up doing the bulk of the initiating and pushing for a more varied and passionate sex life.  Often, this ends up with a

Is this what an orgasm feels like to everyone else?

Is this what an orgasm feels like to everyone else?

I’ve been playing with a new chat feature on the website, and it’s been interesting to talk to some of my readers.  Here’s a question I received this week and I asked if I could write a post about it.: Hi! I’ve got an odd

Orgasming from oral sex survey results

A couple of weeks ago, I started running a survey to answer the question of one of the people in my Uncovering Intimacy Champions group.  Namely “How many men can’t orgasm from oral sex”.  Well, I expanded it a bit to answer a few more

Why doesn’t my wife get wet?

Why doesn't my wife get wet?

I get a lot of husbands asking me the question “Why doesn’t my wife get wet?”  I similarly get questions from wives asking why their husband doesn’t believe them when they say they’re enjoying themselves during sex despite not being lubricated. So, here we go.

Orgasming from Oral Sex Survey

Christian Sex Surveys

It’s been a while since we’ve run a survey, and we have a lot of new readers who have never participated in one. So I thought we’d try to get back into the habit of doing them regularly. One of the people in my Uncovering

Being more skilled at rejection

Being more skilled at rejection

A couple of posts ago, I wrote about being more skilled at initiating sex, but today we’re going to tackle rejection.  I think sexual rejection might be one of the touchiest conflicts to handle in marriage.  It’s hard to do correctly and too easily to

Being more skilled at initiation

I think one of the biggest conflicts regarding sex with a lot of couples is simply how initiation and rejection are handled.  From both sides. I think if we could improve that one back and forth conversation, a lot of marriages would be a substantial

How to ask for what you want in bed

How to ask for what you want in bed

I think a lot of spouses don’t ask for what they want in bed.  I think this is frustrating for both spouses because the spouse who doesn’t ask if often not getting what they want or need to make the sexual experience the best it can

Can married sex be erotic?

Can married sex be erotic?

Yesterday I wrote that one of the myths we buy into is that sex has to be erotic all the time.  I think it’s true that sex won’t be erotic every time. Sometimes, like with “maintenance sex” as I called it, sex isn’t that …

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