Category Archives: Sex

What Is Your Goal?

I often read, in forums and comments, complaints from one spouse or another who isn’t getting what they want out of sex. Sometimes it has to do with a very simple problem of the spouses not knowing each other’s goals in a sexual encounter (or all of them).

What is Christian Porn?

Today we’re going to talk about Christian porn and whether such a thing actually exists. I do a lot of research about sexuality and theology. Those are the two biggest areas of research in my life. It’s no surprise, then, that I eventually started a blog

Why Does My Husband Want Sex In The Morning?

Why is it that men like sex in the morning? It drives a lot of women absolutely crazy because they wake up in the morning feeling groggy, haven’t done their makeup, they have bed-head, etc., etc., basically, not feeling fully confident in themselves as a sexual being.

Why Do Men Think Sex Is A Reward?

Anonymous Questions from our readers

Sex is a reward in the minds of most men. Why do husbands think this? What does this mean for your relationship? Should you still have sex when he’s wrong?

What Is Your Opinion Of Solo Masturbation Due To Separation?

Anonymous Questions from our readers

This question came from the comments section and I delayed responding because the initial answer I felt was a bit harsh. I thought I’d take the time to pray and think and read and see if my opinion mellowed. It didn’t. So, here it is, no holds barred.

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