Category Archives: Sex

Erotic Literature Survey

This survey was actually sent to me by a reader.  We’ve talked about porn in the past, but not much about erotic literature.  So, he was curious about the prevalence of erotic literature reading in Christian marriages.  I tweaked it a bit (with his permission),

Shame vs Embarrassment

This week a very good friend of mine, sent me an email with the subject “Found a great blog”, and the body of the email was just a link to this blog and the words “What do you think?” In case you didn’t catch that…my friend

When do I give up hope?

A question that comes up often in my talks with spouses is “When do I give up hope?”  After all, if divorce isn’t an option and you can’t make your spouse do anything, what are the chances that they’re just going to “come around” and be

Who should initiate sex, husband, or wife?

I was asked this question recently over Twitter, so it’s not quite anonymous, but well, it was easier to stick with the same graphic.  Plus, I didn’t ask if the questioner wanted to be attributed, so I thought it best to keep it this way.

Condoms for permanent birth control?

I’m afraid I received this email from our Have A Question page nearly a week ago, so I’m a bit late in answering it.  The questions are: I have 2 questions. The first is, Is it normal or okay to use condoms because neither spouse wants

Should my spouse choose my appearance?

I received a question on our Facebook Page a few days ago dealing with appearance and who should get to choose how you look, you or your spouse?  Here’s the question: If you loved your wife’s looks exactly how she is, how would you feel

Sex During Pregnancy Infographic

A week and a half ago I posted a survey about sex during pregnancy.  Sex is a taboo subject, sex during pregnancy even more so.  Both women and men have questions, false preconceptions and often a fear of reaching out to get advice.  So, I

Sex during pregnancy survey

Okay, I warned you there would be more pregnancy related posts and such coming up because we’re expecting again.  So, here you go.  Even if you have never experienced pregnancy, could you fill out the survey so I could get a more accurate count?  Don’t

Clitoral Slapping

Alright, here’s a technique for those who are a bit more adventurous in the bedroom.  Just as a warning to the husbands: DO NOT TRY THIS WITHOUT DISCUSSING IT WITH YOUR WIFE FIRST.  I’ll admit, I was a bit hesitant to bring it up with

Is it still adultery if you have permission?

Christina and I are still out of the country, enjoying some relaxation after our mission trip, but I received an email and couldn’t hold off responding to it. The question I received through our Have A Question page is this: My husband would like to

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