Category Archives: Sex

Sex leads to more sex

I thought I’d write a quick post about this, because it seems that it’s not always a well known concept.  It’s the basic idea that your sex life seems to have inertia.  For those of you with Physics backgrounds, we could say it follow Newton’s

When is it okay to say “no” to sex?

This discussion comes up a lot when talking about sex.  It’s usually framed around the concept of rights and duties.  But marriage isn’t about rights and duties, it’s about love, respect, and service.  One of our readers asked for a post on this topic during one of our

Who’s influencing your thoughts?

Last month my pastor did a sermon series on the life of David, and he brought out a point that I felt had applications in marriage.  It’s the idea of being careful who you listen to, because they can invade your thoughts, they can mess

Are you willing to live for your spouse?

A couple of weeks ago our church started 10 days of prayer.  For 10 days members showed up at the church every night to pray for about an hour and a half.  We prayed for our members, for our church, for ourselves.  We even prayed

How NOT to quit porn

Porn has become almost ubiquitous in our society, it’s everywhere, just behind the scenes.  An estimated 50% of Christian men struggle with porn addiction at some point in their life (including pastors), and the last number I heard for women was 30% and climbing.  So,

Is it okay to use a toy as foreplay?

Here’s a question I received a while back.  I’ll be honest, I don’t even know what channel it came through, either one of our surveys or our Have A Question page I’d imagine.  In either case, our reader asks: Is it okay for me to

What do you do if you are asexual?

This question is starting to come up more and more.  This week, I received the following message on Facebook: So what about ‘Asexuals’? I am a college student currently in a dating relationship and to be honest, I have pretty much no sexual attraction, desire, or

Is sensuality in Christian marriage a sin?

I received two questions on our Have A Question page this week that I’m willing to bet come from the same person.  They also sort of are on the same topic, so I’m going to tackle them at the same time: I once had a

What affect does premarital sex have on a marriage?

Last week I put out our premarital sex survey because I’d been getting a lot of comments, emails, etc. talking about how people felt their premarital sex, even if it was with their now spouse, had damaged their marriage.  As well, after our post Is my married

Premarital sexual activities survey

This survey is in response to a comment I got on our of our previous surveys.  They were wondering how premarital sex affected marital sex.  I asked on our Facebook page if there were any other questions people wanted answered, and this is the survey I

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