I received this question from our anonymous Have A Question page about a week ago: My husband and I have been married for 4 years. For the past 3, I’ve not wanted to have as much sex as him. Is my not wanting to, a
Is gatekeeping dishonouring God?

I received this question from our anonymous Have A Question page about a week ago: My husband and I have been married for 4 years. For the past 3, I’ve not wanted to have as much sex as him. Is my not wanting to, a
Here’s a question I received yesterday from our anonymous Have A Question page: My husband and I used to have sex ALL the time. It was like we could never keep our hands off each other. We were adventurous, interested in trying new things in
This weekend, I got this question through our anonymous Have A Question page: I’m pretty sure this is a common question in ur field, but I need tips on strengthening my love towards my husband…. Let me explain.. We have 5 kids 7 being the oldest..
Resentment is a dangerous feeling. I see it in marriages nearly every day. A spouse has done something years ago, and it was never dealt with, or never adequately resolved. Perhaps there was no apology, or maybe no forgiveness given. Either way, resentment grows. There
Two days ago, I received this question from our Have A Question page: Hi Jay Dee, my question is how to tell if my hubby has had an orgasm is it the same as him ejaculating and if not what is the difference? Thank you
Right after my post on why some women find their legs shake after orgasm, I received this question: I am a 50 year old women. This year I have started crying after having an orgasm. Nothing is wrong at all it’s like a physical response.
I had asked on Facebook if anyone had any questions about sex and/or marriage since I hadn’t gotten an anonymous question in a couple of weeks. Then one of my regular readers and participator sent me this question (among others): Why the shakes and spasms
Those of you who read my blog posts, or have heard me speak, might have heard me drop my belief that the Bible was written with the assumption that women had the higher sex drive, or at least were evenly matched. Now, in our culture, this
Last night, in the chat room after our webinar, I was asked about dealing with sexual struggles that occur later in life, and I didn’t have a whole lot to offer, because I haven’t really written on the topic yet. Also, I’m only 34, so
Over the years, I’ve heard many people, men and women, say that they wish God would take away their sex drive. In our darkest days of marriage, I did the same myself. These days, I’m glad God didn’t grant me that wish. More recently, this
There were some people who were … let’s say disgruntled … by my podcast episode last week where I shared my views on solo masturbation. Many argued that there’s no reason single people can’t masturbate. So, I thought I’d write a post in response and