Category Archives: Sex

Is it alright to ejaculate on my wife?

I received this anonymous question last night through our Have A Question page.  I have more than have been there longer, and I intend to answer them, but today I don’t have much time, so I picked it because I thought it would be short.  Plus,

Personal Grooming Survey

I received a question about a week ago regarding personal grooming, and in the question they stated: [My wife] claims that NO ONE does that every week, month or more than once or twice a year… For those of you who have been around here

Want help losing weight and getting fit?

I’ve been thinking about fitness lately.  More specifically, I’ve been frustrated by my lack of fitness lately.  For those who are long time readers, this is an ongoing frustration.  I’ve been technically obese my entire adult life, and while I don’t look obese (I’m 6’1″

Can a wife be both a lady and an exciting sexual partner?

I received this question from our anonymous Have A Question page last month.  I have more recent ones, but to be honest, I don’t follow a “first come first serve” policy.  I sort of pick whichever one I’m inspired to answer on any given day.

How many husbands actually like giving oral sex?

Last week, I posted an anonymous question where someone asked how many wives actually like giving oral sex.  In the comments, people wanted to know how many husbands actually like giving oral sex.  So, I guess this isn’t technically considered an anonymous question, but more

How many wives actually like giving oral sex?

I don’t remember when I got this question.  Honestly, I don’t even know how I got it.  Could have been an email, or through our anonymous Have A Question page, or on a survey comment.  But, I keep a list of all the questions I

Where do I hide our sex toys?

Here’s a question I received a couple of weeks ago from our anonymous Have A Question page: I’m interested in adding toys to our intimate repertoire.  However, one of the issues which keeps me reluctant to do so is the fear of my kids finding

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