Category Archives: Health

10 steps to better orgasms for wives

10 steps to improving orgasms for wives

Way back in 2014, someone asked in our Wives’ Orgasm Experiences survey how to have better orgasms for women: Beyond how to achieve orgasm, I’d like to hear from other wives on how they have gotten their orgasms stronger or more complete.  I often feel

Does losing weight improve your sex life?

Does losing weight improve your sex life?

Way back in March, someone asked the question, “How does being overweight affect the quality of your sex life?” on our Have A Question page.  So, I asked who wanted to be involved in a long-term study to see if there’s a connection between getting fit

Do Christians have sex during their period?

Do Christians have sex during the wife's period?

Way back in May, I started a survey on period sex.  I said I would do the analysis when we hit 600 respondents.  Well, I give up.  We hit 490 and it’s sat there for the last two months.  I stopped badgering the mailing list

Simultaneous orgasms are rare

Our culture has propagated, for quite some time, the myth that simultaneous orgasms are ideal.  More than that, the myth has been pushed to such an extent that many believe that if orgasms aren’t simultaneous, then something is wrong.  This myth has been around for quite some

Stress is bad for sex

Stress isn’t a bad thing.  It’s not.  It is designed for a purpose: to give us the best survival chance in a dangerous situation.  Evolutionists would say this is a holdover from evolutionary ancestors.  I believe that God created humans to be able to survive

Analingus / rimming / oral-anal sex

This is another topic I’ve been avoiding for a while. I mean, people get upset enough when I mention anal sex. But to talk about kissing or licking the anus … well, I’m bracing myself for the comments.  But, no one is talking about this

Arousal non-concordance

I heard a new term this week and I’m really excited about it, because it’s a concept I’ve known about for a long time, but I’ve not seen many people write about it.  I also didn’t know what to call it.  I like having labels,

Is masturbation for medical reasons okay?

I received this question a couple of days ago through our anonymous Have A Question page and wanted to tackle it quickly as it seemed time sensitive. In the case of medical necessary, is masturbation and pornography okay?Backstory: We’re struggling with infertility. I am a

How can I stop gushing?

Here’s a question I received about a week ago through our anonymous Have A Question page: I’ve been married almost two years and have never experienced an orgasm. However, recently, with a lot of work especially on my husband’s part and a long time of

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