Category Archives: Surveys

BDSM Survey Results

During July and a bit of August, we ran a survey about people’s BDSM experiences. Depending on who you ask, it was either extensive or just dipping our toes into the topic. In the end, we received over 1,000 complete responses from a wide range of couples, some for whom BDSM is part of their daily life, others who were engaging in BDSM activities didn’t think what they were doing qualified, others who wished they were doing such things but didn’t know how to start, and those who thought it was disgusting that I even considered asking questions about such a topic.

or the last three weeks, I’ve spent evenings and weekends digging through the data, coding it, doing pivot tables, building charts, running correlation formulas, and more, trying to get what I can out of it. It’s aptly called data mining because often it feels like sifting through a lot of rocks and dirt just to try and find a nugget of something valuable contained.

Today, I’m going to share what I found.

Sex Noises Survey Results

We were looking for information on the types of noises people make during sex, but we came across an interesting data point – are men more caring lovers than women?

What’s the best way to initiate sex?

For the last month or so, we’ve had a survey open about how you prefer to have your spouse initiate sex. If you never got a chance, you can fill it out here. I do sometimes delve into old surveys to answer new questions, so

What do couples do when one wants sex and the other doesn’t?

The difference in sexual desire between a husband and a wife is one of those universal conflicts.  I think just about every marriage deals with it at some point.  If yours hasn’t yet – well congratulations newlyweds! Just because it’s a conflict though doesn’t mean

Size and its Impact on Sex Survey

I was working on a post answering a question on penis size and decided it was the perfect time to put out a new survey. In this survey, we’re asking questions about breast and penis sizes, shapes, and some other things to see what their impact on sexual enjoyment is.

Post-Sex Dynamics and Routines Survey Results

A couple of months ago, I posted a survey asking some questions about sexual drives, refractory periods and post-sex routines.  I was hoping we could get 1,000 responses this time.  Well, we made it!  So, here’s my analysis of the responses, for your reading pleasure

Post-sex dynamic and routines survey

Well, it’s time for another survey. I’ve received a few questions (including one from Keelie over at, that I thought I could roll into a survey.  We’re asking questions about what happens after sex, refractory periods, and the like. We appreciate you being willing

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