This was a simple little survey that I created, originally to answer a simple question: do husbands and wife’s agree on whether or not the choice to not have sex on a given night is mutual. This question was raised due to a comment on
Category Archives: Resources
Book Review: Real Marriage
Last week I was asked what my opinions on the book “Real Marriage” by Mark & Grace Driscoll were. I didn’t have any because I hadn’t read the book. I’ve seen the cover here and there, and I’d heard the name, but no-one’s opinion of the
Is my spouse attracted to me?
I wrote a survey this weekend to help out with a post and answer a question from a reader: Was their spouse attracted to them? So many people commented, both in the survey, on Facebook, message boards, in emails, comments, etc., that they wanted to see the
Some “rough” sex statistics
So, many people were interested in the results. I’m guessing most don’t want just an excel spreadsheet of the data, but rather want the knowledge gained from the survey, so I’m going to do my best to break it down into bits of knowledge instead
Book Review: Grandma’s Sex Handbook
I had high hopes. It has some good basic concepts, but also some serious issues that cause me not to be able to recommend this book.
Book Review: Eden Derailed
This book is about the theology of sex. This is not a book about practical advice, though there is some sprinkled throughout. This is a discussion of how the fall changed sex, and our struggle with it in this life. That said, it’s incredibly impacting.