Category Archives: Book Reviews

Book Review: Sex Savvy

Sex Savvy is sort of a cross between a how-to book, a psychology/physiology lesson, a sermon on sexuality and a conversation between two friends.  I don’t know how else to describe it.  J Parker (the author and blogger at Hot, Holy & Humorous) came to

Book Review: The Fantasy Fallacy

Last month, I finally got to read The Fantasy Fallacy by Shannon Ethridge.  It had been in my kindle for a while just itching to be read.  The Fantasy Fallacy addresses a timeless question I think, but made even more timely in our particular age,

Book Review: Real Marriage

Last week I was asked what my opinions on the book “Real Marriage” by Mark & Grace Driscoll were.  I didn’t have any because I hadn’t read the book.  I’ve seen the cover here and there, and I’d heard the name, but no-one’s opinion of the

Book Review: Eden Derailed

This book is about the theology of sex. This is not a book about practical advice, though there is some sprinkled throughout. This is a discussion of how the fall changed sex, and our struggle with it in this life. That said, it’s incredibly impacting.

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