Category Archives: Book Reviews

Saving your marriage before it starts – Book Review

Saving your marriage before it starts

Do you ever wish someone had handed you a book when you got married to get you started on the right footing?  Or one that would have helped in saving your marriage from a lot of the struggles you’ve experienced as a couple? You know,

Creative Conversation Starters for couples – Book Review

Creative Conversation Starters for couples - 100+ prompts to kick start your communication - Book Review

Creative Conversation Starters for couples – 100+ prompts to kick start your communication – Book ReviewCreative Conversation Starters for couples – 100+ prompts to kick start your communication – Book ReviewKeelie and Austin Reason of sent me a book of conversation starters a while

Book Review: Every Body Matters

As some of you may or may not remember, a couple of months ago, I started a study with a group of about 30 people for two reasons: To get stats on the relationship between fitness and sex To get together a like minded group of

Book Review: Keep Your Love On

Way back in September, a publicist contacted me in regards to the book Keep Your Love On! by Danny Silk.  They wanted to know if I was interested in a book on relationships written by a pastor, and, if I liked it, could I review

Book Review: Pulling Back the Shades

Pulling Back the Shades: Erotica, Intimacy and the Longings of a Woman’s Heart, by Dannah Gresh and Dr. Juli Slattery is a book all about what drives the female mind with regards to sex.  It seems to be intended for a female audience, to help

Book Review: The Passion Principles

The Passion Principles: Celebrating Sexual Freedom in Marriage by Shannon Ethridge (author of The Fantasy Fallacy: Exposing the Deeper Meaning Behind Sexual Thoughts) is all about sex within marriage (my favorite topic).  It is less a book, in the traditional sense, and more a collection of articles, almost

Book(let) Review: Creating True Agape

Cassie Celestain over at contacted me just over a week ago to ask if I could review her booklet.  As is my policy, I never turn down the opportunity to read a resource that might help marriages, and if I think it will help, I’ll write up

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