Category Archives: Original Article

SWM 145 – AQ – Handjobs, sex on a full stomach, routines, sex tapes and more

Answering Anonymous Questions about Married Sex

Topics include:
•Talking about a lack of sex
•Not drive due to cancer treatments
•Wife doesn’t want to use lube
•Our sex life is routine
•Strap-on to help with premature ejaculation
•Do husbands like handjobs?
•Can a married couple film themselves during sex?
•Is sex better on a full stomach?
•How do you start anal sex?

SWM 092 – How do you know if you’ve had an orgasm

A reader asked:
If the number of women who reach orgasm from penetrative sex is as low as the surveys that you mention say it is, how would a couple know if the woman is one of those that doesn’t orgasm with penetration? For context, I have been married to my wife for 13 years and we have 5 children…I would say our sex life isn’t dry but we aren’t all that creative. There have been things that I have suggested doing and have tried but she has told me that they make her uncomfortable (things like me using my hands to pleasure her or go down on her). I think there may be something connected to past experiences with masturbation and the guilt that came with that as a teen…but I have taken the position of wanting to serve and honor her so I haven’t pushed it. So, for the past 13 years, we have kind of been doing the same thing once every other week or so. A part of me wonders if the lack of desire on her part is because she hasn’t ever really had an orgasm…but that raises the other question of how are we to know? Kind of a silly question I guess, but something I have been pondering while listening to your podcast. Thanks.

Anonymous Questions – March 29, 2018

Anonymous Questions from our readers

As with last week, I’m posting my responses to this week’s anonymous questions here on the blog so that those not on the weekly newsletter can read them, but also so people can start a discussion in the comments section below, if they feel so

Premature Ejaculation

Last week we did our analysis of our Orgasm Difficulties Survey and I had promised a post on each of the categories of difficulty.  So, today we’re going to tackle Premature Ejaculation, also known as early ejaculation, rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, premature climax and ejaculation praecox.

Making New Years’ Resolutions Stick

Well, it’s that time of year again, when people start making resolutions.  “This year’s going to be different” you say!  But what are you doing to ensure it’s different.  What makes you more likely to attain your resolutions this year? Well, I thought I would offer some

Clitoral Slapping

Alright, here’s a technique for those who are a bit more adventurous in the bedroom.  Just as a warning to the husbands: DO NOT TRY THIS WITHOUT DISCUSSING IT WITH YOUR WIFE FIRST.  I’ll admit, I was a bit hesitant to bring it up with

Permanent Birth Control Survey Results

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A few weeks ago, I wrote a post on non-procreational sex, and still plan to write one on birth control (I did, it’s here), but I had a reader asking about permanent birth control, so, I thought I’d tackle this first with a survey.  He

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