Category Archives: Marriage

Was it good for you?

A lot of couples fail to talk about their sex life with each other.  Many are afraid to discuss what they’re doing.  If you think about it, it’s kind of funny.  I mean, they’re willing to be naked and physically intimate, be opening up and

How to have spiritual intimacy with an unsaved spouse

I received this question about a week ago from our anonymous Have A Question page: My husband is not saved, so his perception of sex is a lot different than mine.  Now don’t get me wrong, after 12 years of marriage, 2 kids, and menopause,

Is it all just about sex?

I received this question a couple of weeks ago through our anonymous Have A Question page: I understand that this page is about sex in marriage and making it good. However, I have a question. Why does it seem that men see good sex as

Is that how you want your spouse to see you?

I think a lot of spouses have a bad habit of talking bad about themselves.  Women in particular are generally very well know for criticizing their appearance.  Most men don’t do this as much.  Men, if they verbalize this, tend to downplay their accomplishments and

When marriage is like a roller coaster

Sometimes marriage is like a rollercoaster.  This is especially the case during people when you are growing.  When dealing with big changes, like children, or trying to learn communication, dealing with porn or adultery, or when the marriage is unbalanced by only one spouse working

Romance is the death of sexual attraction

I was writing another post, and suddenly this thought struck me, so I put it on hold and decided to tackle it.  I think romance may be the death of sexual attraction.  My generation, as well as one or two ahead and behind mine, have

What do you need from me

I’m a solution provider.  It’s just how I’m built.  The majority of my job is finding solutions to business problems.  Usually it’s a technological solution, but not always.  Some days I do more management consulting than IT consulting.  But, it’s not just my job.  I’m like that

How to deal with an unrepentant spouse

I received this question about a week ago in the comments of our survey on period sex (which is still open for entries by the way): How do I get over the hurt of my husband cheating on me and constantly on chat sites and

Growth takes risk

Sometimes you need to be willing to risk what you have in order to get something better.  I’m not talking about leaving your spouse on the hopes of a better one, though that’s the message the world tries to peddle.  Rather, I’m talking about getting

Dealing with a Bait and Switch

I received this question from our anonymous Have A Question page about a month ago: My wife and I have had a troubled sex life for years. Before we were married it was incredible and she fulfilled every desire I had(yes we know it was

Your marriage is your primary relationship

Is your marriage your primary relationship in life?  I mean, besides God.  I know, that sounds a bit glib, as if I’m tacking God on as an after thought, but I’m not.  I just want to focus on human relationships (and yes, I believe Jesus

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