My youngest sister recently got married. One of the questions she asked in the first few days was if they should have joint accounts at the bank. Decades ago it wouldn’t even have been a question. It was just something you did. These days,
Category Archives: Marriage
How to stop looking at other women
There seems to be a big struggle, with men in particular, around looking at other women. I don’t just mean porn, but just walking down the street, in the store, or anywhere else. Of course, some women struggle with this as well, but I’ll be
Are you missing out in your spouse’s bids?
I don’t hear the word “bid” much anymore. I feel like I hear it a lot more when growing up. It seems to have fallen into disuse. Today I’m going to use it, because I don’t know a better word to use. A bid is
How to move past hurt
I often deal with spouses who have trouble forgiving their husband or wife for some hurt they caused. Sometimes it’s big, like an affair. Sometimes it’s not quite as monumental, like being late somewhere. Large or small issue, often spouses have trouble getting part these
A year of marriage challenges – Completed?
Can you believe the year of marriage challenges is over? I hardly can. So, I bet a lot of people are wondering “What’s next?” and some more want to know “Where can I get a list of all the challenges?”
Marriage and social shaming
My family and I are away for the weekend for my baby sister’s wedding. Last night was the rehearsal and my other sister asked “So, is your speech ready?” Well, this was the first I’d heard of a speech, so naturally I said it wasn’t.
Silence means everything is okay
I can’t tell you how many couples don’t talk when things are bad. They just keep silent expecting … I don’t know what. I guess they expect that their spouse will get the hint and change. The problem is that sometimes the issue isn’t the
Did I marry the wrong person?
I get a lot of emails from people wondering if they married the wrong person. Generally it’s because they’re unhappy in their marriage and feel like it would be better/easier with a different spouse. Sometimes it’s because they feel they got married for the wrong
Getting over an affair
I received this question a couple of days ago in from our anonymous Have A Question page about recovering from an old affair: I found out about my husband’s affair 3 years ago. The affair happened @ 12 years ago and he kept it from
Have you really forgiven your spouse for the past?
I received an anonymous question last night through our Have A Question page. The questions is quite long, but bear with me: “Because of a disparity in our early sexual histories, I have an on-going problem, feeling that I married my wife after everyone else
Was it good for you?
A lot of couples fail to talk about their sex life with each other. Many are afraid to discuss what they’re doing. If you think about it, it’s kind of funny. I mean, they’re willing to be naked and physically intimate, be opening up and