Category Archives: Marriage

Your relationship has to be based on more than just sex

Your relationship has to be based on more than just sex

I was talking with Keelie from today and we got into a conversation about intimacy.  In particular, about intimacy while dating.  It ended up being a good discussion, and so I thought I’d share what I shared with her because this affects not only couples

How to have a conversation

How to have a conversation

Do you know how to have a conversation?  Surprisingly, a lot of people don’t. I mean, we grow up talking to people every day, but still, there are many adults who never really progress beyond the conversational skill of a 3-year-old.  Sure, their vocabulary increases

Being more skilled at rejection

Being more skilled at rejection

A couple of posts ago, I wrote about being more skilled at initiating sex, but today we’re going to tackle rejection.  I think sexual rejection might be one of the touchiest conflicts to handle in marriage.  It’s hard to do correctly and too easily to

Being more skilled at initiation

I think one of the biggest conflicts regarding sex with a lot of couples is simply how initiation and rejection are handled.  From both sides. I think if we could improve that one back and forth conversation, a lot of marriages would be a substantial

How to ask for what you want in bed

How to ask for what you want in bed

I think a lot of spouses don’t ask for what they want in bed.  I think this is frustrating for both spouses because the spouse who doesn’t ask if often not getting what they want or need to make the sexual experience the best it can

What if I had married someone else?

Many of us play the “What if” game and don’t realize how dangerous is it can be. I have at least three readers who are going to think I’m writing this post for them based on questions they’ve asked recently.  The truth is, I had

What to say when your wife tells you about her day

What to say when your wife tells you about her day

It’s often difficult for men to listen to their wife talk about her day.  For many men, it’s not something they naturally feel the need to do. Men tend to more easily compartmentalize their life.  When they come home, they want a chance to switch

How we kick off our New Year

How we kick off our New Year

I like it when the New Year turns over. I like the idea of a fresh start, having some artificial momentum to springboard from. I like being able to make massive changes all in the name of “New Year’s Resolutions”. So, I thought I’d share

A plan is not a plan unless it is confirmed

A plan is not a plan unless it is confirmed

Ever had what you thought was the plan fall apart because your spouse didn’t know that was the plan?  Or vice-versa?  I have!  And I don’t think I’m alone, especially after reading this comment yesterday: My wife and I are on different planets as far

Is your marriage prepared to survive the holidays?

Is your marriage prepared to survive the holidays?

Do you have a plan to survive the holidays?  Between Christmas and New Year’s, there is this perfect storm for couples that many stumble into every year. It only comes up once a year, so often we’re caught unprepared and then blindsided by it.  Then,

Is make-up sex a myth?

I received a question recently about the topic of make-up sex.  It’s something I’ve been thinking about as well for the last year or so, so I’m glad they brought it up. Here’s the question (used with permission): Today at church, I was in the

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