Category Archives: Marriage

Is it OK not to swallow?

For most of our marriage, oral sex has been very one sided.  For the first years, it was solely me performing oral sex on my wife, and never the other way around.  It took her years to get accustomed to the idea, actually it’s a

Is it okay to track how often you have sex?

How often do you have sex?  Do you know?  Are you sure?  Do you ever have a disagreement about when the last time you had sex was?  Or how often you have sex on average?  I came across a study once (I wish I could

How do I know my spouse is my soul-mate?

This is a question that plagues couples, both within and outside of Christianity.  It comes in many different forms: Is my spouse my soul mate? Did I miss my soul mate? Is my soul mate still out there? If my spouse dies and I marry

You don’t have time for sex?

This concept presents itself in two ways generally: One spouse has a checklist of things that must occur before sex.  See this comment. Life is just too busy and there doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day. The answer to both is pretty

How to resolve conflict more effectively

A few posts ago, I wrote about How to Stop Fighting, and after thinking about, I decided I wanted to expand on that.  I realized that the answer is simple: the talk more.  But, that in itself isn’t a full answer, because some people don’t

Asperger’s Syndrome and marriage

Two posts ago, I wrote about dealing with a non-neural-typical spouse.  If you haven’t read it, I highly suggest going back and doing so to frame this post.  It also has a lot of content I’m going to leverage in this one.  In fact, I’m

How does A.D.H.D. affect a marriage?

My last post about dealing with a non-neural-typical spouse discussed what ADHD was, the differences in the brain from neural-typicals, but I didn’t have the time to get into what behaviors one sees due to this difference, particularly those that impact a marriage.  I you

Dealing with a non-neural-typical spouse

Lately, it seems we’ve been getting more and more comments from people with non-neural-typical partners and struggling to deal with it.  What is a non-neural-typical partner?  Well, if we say neural has to do with how the brain functions, and typical is … well …

How to stop fighting

At church today, I was talking to a teen, and during the conversation he asked how often my wife and I fight.  I answered that we don’t fight, and he was floored.  His parents fight constantly.  Then it occurred to me, mine fight fairly regularly

Where is the line between biblical submission and being a doormat?

My wife and I talk about sex a fair bit.  Why?  Well, probably a few reasons: I have a fascination with sexuality, particularly in marriage.  The hormones and neuro-chemicals involved, physiological and psychological responses, how it impacts marriage and the rest of life.  Why we do the things we

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