Category Archives: Marriage

It’s not just about sex

My wife left me and took the kids to her parents house.  So I’m a bachelor again, in an empty house to myself, doing what I want, when I want.  It’s very odd going from being a husband and father of 5 to being “single”

Couples need to lie less and trust more when it comes to sex

I was talking with someone yesterday about some difficulties they were having with sex, and I asked if they minded if I wrote a post on the topic.  After thinking about it, I realized the issue we were discussing went far beyond just their specific

Sermon audio: Church unity starts at home

Some of you are aware that a few weeks ago I was asked to preach in my church (no, I’m not a pastor), and some had expressed a desire to hear it, since I was talking about marriage.  It took me a bit to get the

The rest of the world is watching

I’ve reading some of the comments from our making home videos and taking home pictures survey (please fill it out if you haven’t already), and I noticed a lot of spouses saying they’ve be afraid of someone seeing the pictures or video.  Completely understandable. But this

Sex leads to more sex

I thought I’d write a quick post about this, because it seems that it’s not always a well known concept.  It’s the basic idea that your sex life seems to have inertia.  For those of you with Physics backgrounds, we could say it follow Newton’s

When is it okay to say “no” to sex?

This discussion comes up a lot when talking about sex.  It’s usually framed around the concept of rights and duties.  But marriage isn’t about rights and duties, it’s about love, respect, and service.  One of our readers asked for a post on this topic during one of our

Who’s influencing your thoughts?

Last month my pastor did a sermon series on the life of David, and he brought out a point that I felt had applications in marriage.  It’s the idea of being careful who you listen to, because they can invade your thoughts, they can mess

Are you willing to live for your spouse?

A couple of weeks ago our church started 10 days of prayer.  For 10 days members showed up at the church every night to pray for about an hour and a half.  We prayed for our members, for our church, for ourselves.  We even prayed

I’m not getting what I need in my marriage

I see a trend in marriages these days.  A lot of people complaining, lamenting, asking, wondering, why their spouses don’t provide for their needs in their marriage.  Sometimes they’re simple things, like hugs, kisses, or just time together alone.  Sometimes they’re bigger things like security,

Why do I have to fix our marriage?

I think a lot of spouses have this question.  Whether the relationship is lacking in quantity or quality of sex, communication skills, budgeting, or whatever.  Typically there is one spouse that is more “high drive” in that area.  They want to push this aspect of

Don’t accept sleeping on the couch

There is a common joke in married circles about “sleeping on the couch”.  It typically refers to a husband being sent to go sleep on the couch, because he has done something to offend his wife and she has decided he cannot sleep in their

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