Category Archives: Divorce

SWM 069 – Is it okay to remarry after being divorced?

A friend of mine recently asked if the Bible allows you to remarry after you’ve been divorced. Her impression from reading the Bible was that if you were divorced and remarried, not only would you be committing adultery in God’s eyes, but so too would be your future spouse. Knowing that I like to tackle difficult questions, she asked me – is it okay to remarry after being divorced?

Divorce is contagious

I heard something the other day while listening to a talk by Jenna McCarthy.  Divorce is contagious!  And the first thing I thought was “What?  That’s ridiculous!” But it turns out that having close friends who get divorced increases your own chance of divorce by

What if I had married someone else?

Many of us play the “What if” game and don’t realize how dangerous is it can be. I have at least three readers who are going to think I’m writing this post for them based on questions they’ve asked recently.  The truth is, I had

Getting over an affair

I received this question a couple of days ago in from our anonymous Have A Question page about recovering from an old affair: I found out about my husband’s affair 3 years ago. The affair happened @ 12 years ago and he kept it from

Dealing with a Bait and Switch

I received this question from our anonymous Have A Question page about a month ago: My wife and I have had a troubled sex life for years. Before we were married it was incredible and she fulfilled every desire I had(yes we know it was

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