Category Archives: Conflict Resolution

What do couples do when one wants sex and the other doesn’t?

The difference in sexual desire between a husband and a wife is one of those universal conflicts.  I think just about every marriage deals with it at some point.  If yours hasn’t yet – well congratulations newlyweds! Just because it’s a conflict though doesn’t mean

How to use conflict to create intimacy

Does a disagreement always mean an argument?  Does resolving it always mean compromise or someone changing their opinion?  I’ve had this question come up a few times this week from multiple sources. Many people believe that a difference in opinion must result in an argument,

How to stop feeling hurt so often

My spouse is in a unique position to hurt me more deeply and more often than anyone else, simply by being in an intimate (not just physically) relationship with me.  She knows how to push my buttons better and harder than anyone else, and I

Sex drive differences aren’t the problem

Sex drive differences aren't the problem

Most couples face a conflict in terms of mismatched sex drives. The majority in fact, my marriage included.  This leads some people to believe that their sex drive, or the sex drive of their spouse, is the issue.  But it’s not.  It’s just a conflict,

Why do we keep having the same argument?

Why do we keep having the same argument?

Do you ever feel like you just keep having the same argument, discussion or conflict over and over again? Perhaps it comes up every week, every month, or every year.  It might just be something small and seemingly insignificant, or it might be something larger

Never use absolute accusations

Never use absolute accusations

Most, if not all of you, have been in a conversation where you or your spouse start a sentence with either “You never … ” or You always …”.  These absolute accusations should never be used in conflict and here’s why: 1. It’s not fair fighting

How to respond to an apology

I wrote a few posts about apologizing lately and realized it didn’t yet write one about how to respond to an apology.  So, how do you answer someone who said they’re sorry?

I’m sorry isn’t good enough

If you have a healthy marriage, then you’ll end up saying “I’m sorry” many times.  The problem is that saying “I’m sorry” doesn’t cut it.  If you want to see extra growth in your marriage, you’re going to have to take it to the next level.

Have you really forgiven your spouse for the past?

I received an anonymous question last night through our Have A Question page.  The questions is quite long, but bear with me: “Because of a disparity in our early sexual histories, I have an on-going problem, feeling that I married my wife after everyone else

How to deal with an unrepentant spouse

I received this question about a week ago in the comments of our survey on period sex (which is still open for entries by the way): How do I get over the hurt of my husband cheating on me and constantly on chat sites and

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