Category Archives: About Us

How does A.D.H.D. affect a marriage?

My last post about dealing with a non-neural-typical spouse discussed what ADHD was, the differences in the brain from neural-typicals, but I didn’t have the time to get into what behaviors one sees due to this difference, particularly those that impact a marriage.  I you

Dealing with a non-neural-typical spouse

Lately, it seems we’ve been getting more and more comments from people with non-neural-typical partners and struggling to deal with it.  What is a non-neural-typical partner?  Well, if we say neural has to do with how the brain functions, and typical is … well …

The problem with being a Christian sex blogger

I felt like writing, and I have a stack of topics, but I didn’t feel like doing any research, so that leaves me with one option: writing something about myself. And so, that’s what I’m doing. You know what the problem with being a Christian

You are not alone

I was looking at the stats for the blog today, and it reminded me of a question I had last night:  I wonder how many people think they are the only ones in marriage having problems with sex, or who think that maybe sex in

Sex Within Marriage Maiden Post

Why do I blog about sex within marriage? Because ours started off horribly, and I want to help others get out of that dynamic as quick as possible.

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