Category Archives: About Us

Blogger turned author

Many people (bloggers, authors, readers) have been telling me for a while that I should write a book, and this year I mentioned that one of my goals was to do just that: write a full length book about marriage in general, not just about

I’m a father (again)

This is just a quick post for those who have been anxiously anticipating the birth of our newest addition.  Well, he arrived this afternoon, weighing in at 9lbs, 15oz.  Birth was quick, if not painless.  Fingers and toes are all accounted for.  We didn’t get

What 2015 has in store for us

Last week, WordPress sent me my annual “year in review” email.  The results are here if you care to see them.  It’s funny, last year I had planned to post every Wednesday, and that shows…for 4 months.  Then it sort of fell apart and I

Milestone reached and something for our readers!

This Sunday we hit a pretty incredible milestone: One Million Views.  Of course, if you know anything about blogging and/or websites, you know that a “view” or “hit” doesn’t equal someone reading.  Google’s best estimate places the number of people who have read our blog

How we grow as godly writers

Last week I put a question out, in the form of a survey, in response to an email I received, a criticism in fact.  Is this blog informative, or erotic, or somewhere in the middle?  Have we strayed from our mission? Have we crossed the

Informative or Erotic?

Being a Christian Sex Blogger comes with a unique challenge:  How do you educate about sex while keeping it informative, interesting, accessible, yet not crossing a line into being erotic? I received an email this week from a single male who seemed to be chastising

Words and Wisdom from the Bible

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As I mentioned in my last post, this month, the Christian Marriage Bloggers Association is hosting a challenge to it’s members: four topics to write about during the month of October.  I got my Words of Wisdom from Family in a bit late, but I

Every pregnancy is different

I’ve been keeping a secret from you.  It wasn’t intentional…it just hasn’t really come up.  But we’re at about the half-way mark now, and if I don’t say anything…it’s going to start getting awkward I think.  We’re having another baby boy!  For those who aren’t

Words and Wisdom from Family

This month, the Christian Marriage Bloggers Association, of which I am a member, is hosting a challenge to bloggers.  4 topics to write about during the month of October.  Unfortunately, I found out about it a little late, so I’m a bit delayed, but, nevertheless,

2013 Annual Review

Well, another year has passed.  Sex Within Marriage will be 2 years old in a couple weeks time and it’s been an amazing experience.  I’ve learned a lot about blogging, Social Media, and search engine optimization in an effort to give more people access to

Asperger’s Syndrome and marriage

Two posts ago, I wrote about dealing with a non-neural-typical spouse.  If you haven’t read it, I highly suggest going back and doing so to frame this post.  It also has a lot of content I’m going to leverage in this one.  In fact, I’m

We're launching a new workshop - help us make it perfect with your thoughts