Book(let) Review: Creating True Agape

Jay Dee

Book(let) Review: Creating True Agape

Apr 30, 2014

Cassie Celestain over at contacted me just over a week ago to ask if I could review her booklet.  As is my policy, I never turn down the opportunity to read a resource that might help marriages, and if I think it will help, I’ll write up

True Agape Booklet Review 20 At Home DatesCassie Celestain over at contacted me just over a week ago to ask if I could review her booklet.  As is my policy, I never turn down the opportunity to read a resource that might help marriages, and if I think it will help, I’ll write up a review and post it.  So that’s just what I did.  The full title of the booklet (as far as I can tell) is: Creating True Agape, 20 at home dates designed to cultivate communication, intimacy and growth.  It is a short (78 page) booklet with 20 at home dates that you can do with nothing more than writing & coloring implements, scissors and tape (and perhaps a couple other minor household items).

Now, for those that don’t know, in the Bible there are 5 Greek words used for “love” (and another 3 in Hebrew).  The word “Agape” is one of these 5 Greek words. They are:

Mania – This would be best translated as “lust” or “obsession”.  Same root as “maniac”.

Eros – This is the emotional feeling of romantic and/or sexual love.  Same root as “erotic”.

Philos – This is the feeling of “brotherly” (or sisterly) love.  Love between friends that is platonic.  This the root of the city name “Philadelphia” (the city of brotherly love).

Storge – this is the love a parent has for their children, or anyone for some dependent type structure.  I’m afraid I don’t know any similar English words for this one.

Agape – This is a self-sacrificial love.  A love where you care not about your own needs, but only about the person you love.

In order to get spouses to live out this agape love, this booklet focuses mainly on communication.  The “dates” are basically predesigned conversations where you have to fill in the blanks and then continue on.  For a couple that is struggling with communication, this is perfect.

The booklet includes discussion starters on topics such as:

  1. Your dream home
  2. Budgeting
  3. What if you won a million dollars
  4. Talking about retirement
  5. Short and long term goals
  6. How you like to serve

Your Turn

If you are interested in checking out this booklet, go checkout Creating True Agape over at

3 thoughts on “Book(let) Review: Creating True Agape”

  1. Dan says:

    I like the idea of the conversation starters. Sometimes things can get stuck at “I don’t know. What do you want to talk about?” Using the starters can get you accustomed to engaging with one another.

    1. Cassie says:

      When we started the project we asked ladies what their biggest frustration or fear was in marriage. After decoding what they answered it really came down to communication. Either lack of communication or not creating time to communicate at all. They also indicated that sometimes it is hard to bring up tough topics in a way that can be discussed in a positive way. Taking those things into consideration we later arrived at this product!
      It was very interesting to see the whole process take place. Starting with finding out their needs and then figuring out how to meet them. We hope many people can benefit from these date nights!

  2. Cassie says:

    Thank you, Jay for the review! We are hoping this product will help many marriages to come. Hope you enjoy it as well!

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