Book Review: 25 questions you’re afraid to ask about love, sex and intimacy

Jay Dee

Book Review: 25 questions you’re afraid to ask about love, sex and intimacy

Jan 07, 2016

Back in November, I was sent a copy of the book 25 questions you’re afraid to ask about love, sex and intimacy by Dr Juli Slattery to review.  If you recall (for those who have been around for a while), I reviewed her last book,

25 Questions you're afraid to ask about love, sex and intimacy by Juli SlatteryBack in November, I was sent a copy of the book 25 questions you’re afraid to ask about love, sex and intimacy by Dr Juli Slattery to review.  If you recall (for those who have been around for a while), I reviewed her last book, Pulling Back the Shades, and absolutely loved it, so I was happy to have another of her books to read.

This book is exactly what it says it is.  Basically 25 articles answering questions that the author gets over and over again at speaking engagements and in her counseling practice.

While I read it cover to cover, you don’t have to.  Each chapter is self-contained, so you can jump around it however you like, perfect for today’s hurried life.  And since there’s little continuity between the chapters, you can pick it up a year later with the next chapter and not feel like you’re lost in a thought progression half way through the book.

Usually I list the chapters of a book I review, so I’m going to do the same, and if it looks like a list of questions, that’s because that’s what it is.

  1. What’s the big deal about sex?
  2. Who are you to judge my sexual choice?
  3. Can I be single and sexual?
  4. Is it wrong to like sex?
  5. And I waited for this?
  6. Why do guys care so much about sex?
  7. What if I want sex more than my husband does?
  8. How adventurous can we be in bed?
  9. Is [blank] okay in the bedroom? (you fill in the blank!)
  10. What do my temptations say about me?
  11. How do I get past my shame?
  12. How do I know he is the one?
  13. How far is too far?
  14. Is living together a good test run for marriage?
  15. What if I’m attracted to someone else?
  16. How can I compete with porn?
  17. What’s wrong with mommy porn?
  18. Is masturbation a sin?
  19. Can I be godly and gay?
  20. How do I rebuild trust after a betrayal?
  21. Does forgiveness mean I’ll be hurt again?
  22. What if I don’t like sex?
  23. How do I make time to make love?
  24. How do we fight without hurting each other?
  25. Why wouldn’t God want me to be happy?

A lot of these questions are the same I’ve gotten myself.  I think I’ve answered at least half of these on my blog over the years, so it was nice to see someone else getting the same questions asked, and nice to see a lot of the same answers given.

I think this book would be great for anyone.  Honestly, I plan to hand it to my sister the next time I see her, as she just got engaged, because, hey, she might have questions and not want to ask her big brother about them.  The questions tackled range from marrieds to newlyweds to not yet married, to not in a relationship, so there’s something for everyone.

If you’re interested in picking up a copy, you can check it out at Amazon in paperpack, or for Kindle, or I’m giving away a copy in our survey this week, so be sure to fill it out for a chance to win a copy!

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