All posts by Jay Dee

Your marriage is your primary relationship

Is your marriage your primary relationship in life?  I mean, besides God.  I know, that sounds a bit glib, as if I’m tacking God on as an after thought, but I’m not.  I just want to focus on human relationships (and yes, I believe Jesus

Delayed Ejaculation

I had intended to write this post last year some time, after our orgasm difficulties survey.  But, I guess I got sidetracked with a bunch of other topics, and it was forgotten until yesterday’s post.  It’s a bit ironic that the post on delayed ejaculation

You cannot make a refuser generous

I get a lot of husbands and wives asking me how to change their spouse.  How do you make them go from a refuser to a generous spouse?  After all, I managed it, so what’s the trick?  The truth is, I didn’t manage it.  There

Christians and Erectile Dysfunction Medication

Here’s a question I received from our anonymous Have a Question page about dealing with erectile dysfunction: Hey Jay! Have you ever dealt with the Christian’s response to medications that are designed to help men with E.D.? I’m into my 60’s now and the equipment

Discussion about initiating sex

We’re going to try something a bit different today, we’re going to try a discussion question.  Basically, I’m not going to write a post, I’m just going to ask a couple of questions and open the floor to comments below. Because sometimes I get questions

SWM026: Last Minute Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Father’s Day is this Sunday, and I thought we’d share some last-minute Father’s Day gifts for those wives who listen to the podcast.  We’ve got some free options, some not-so-free options and some options that are a bit of an investment, but all of them you can manage to pull off even the day before Father’s Day.

Initiation only counts if your spouse recognizes it

My wife and I were talking about people’s responses to yesterday’s post.  Our conversation let to what initiation was.  We had just had sex, and I mentioned that I had initiated that encounter.  Initially she disagreed saying “I came to bed naked”.  I countered saying

Be Authentic about your Sexual Desire

I get a lot of emails from spouses.  I get to read about a lot of marriages in those emails.  I get to read about how spouses react, how they think, their struggles, their concerns, their hopes, their fears.  One of the big struggles I

Garbage In – Garbage Out

When I was in school for software engineering, we had a lot of acronyms that floated around.  One of the was GIGO.  Garbage In – Garbage Out. The point was that we always had to validate what the user put into a computer program, because