All posts by Jay Dee

6 things that stop people from forgiving

The other day I wrote about how to apologize properly.  The final step in the formula is to ask for forgiveness.  That forgiveness should always be extended, however, if you find yourself unable to offer forgiveness, here are six reasons you may want to examine.

Why you don’t feel God’s presence in your life

People say some interesting things regarding God’s presence.  I’ve heard two different people remark, after participating in the same church service: Wow, God was really present today, that worship service was so uplifting. And You could tell God just wasn’t with us today.  The worship

I’m sorry isn’t good enough

If you have a healthy marriage, then you’ll end up saying “I’m sorry” many times.  The problem is that saying “I’m sorry” doesn’t cut it.  If you want to see extra growth in your marriage, you’re going to have to take it to the next level.

13 ways to be more present during sex

Yesterday I wrote against using fantasy while having sex.   In it I promised that I’d write a post on how to be more mindful during sex.  Here are thirteen ways that you can be more present during sex.  I hope it will help you adjust

Is it okay to fantasize about your spouse?

Last week I wrote a post about how fantasizing can be detrimental.  In the comments, MaBeck asked this question: Ok, so what about if I fantasize about me and my husband, is that ok? For some reason, if I fantasize about us having sex in public, I

Fantasy has a different context than reality

Often people are confused about how their brain works.  In this case, how it works in real life situations compared to when they are fantasizing.  Using fantasy, whether it be erotic stories, porn, or just a daydream, they can get all aroused easily.  They orgasm

Do men like having their balls played with?

Sorry if the title’s a bit crude.  Couldn’t find anything that fit better.  I’ve received a bunch of questions over the years about testicles.  Here’s the most recent one: Do most men like having their balls played with? My husband and I are recently married

Vacation does not necessarily equal sex

It’s Thanksgiving this weekend here in Canada, that means hanging out with the family.  Yesterday we had a chance to go up north to cottage country and help my in-laws get ready for maple syrup season.  We spent two days cutting up trees, splitting and

Your definition of gross changes when you’re aroused

Often people are confused about how their reactions to things change when their aroused vs not aroused.  Here’s an example from our anonymous questions page: My wife loves anal stimulation with a finger or two during oral. But when I go anywhere near otherwise, I

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