All posts by Jay Dee

How to use conflict to create intimacy

Does a disagreement always mean an argument?  Does resolving it always mean compromise or someone changing their opinion?  I’ve had this question come up a few times this week from multiple sources. Many people believe that a difference in opinion must result in an argument,

Product Review: LELO SONA Cruise

About a year ago, LELO (one of my favourite toy manufacturers) launched a new product called the SONA.  This product was one of a new class of sexual toys coming out around the same time. The principles behind it was to simply focus on the

Product Review: The Crescendo by MysteryVibe

About a year ago, a newer company called MysteryVibe offered to send me their newest product.  Actually, it was their first product.  The Crescendo which has been dubbed “The world’s most advanced vibrator”. Now, I’m fairly picky about the toys I’ll accept.  For one, I

Anonymous Questions – Oct 10, 2018

Anonymous Questions from our readers

It’s been almost two months since I answered anonymous questions, so I thought I’d catch up. For those who are new to the site, these questions are all gathered from our anonymous Have A Question page.  If you have a question that you’d like answered,

Post-Sex Dynamics and Routines Survey Results

A couple of months ago, I posted a survey asking some questions about sexual drives, refractory periods and post-sex routines.  I was hoping we could get 1,000 responses this time.  Well, we made it!  So, here’s my analysis of the responses, for your reading pleasure

Are you sabotaging your sex life like I do?

I’ve spent the last few years trying to get better insight into the mind of a spouse who desires less sex.  Why?  Because I’m married to one, and one of my goals in life is to make her feel known and loved.  Unfortunately, the more

Anonymous Questions – Aug 14, 2018

Anonymous Questions from our readers

It’s been about a month since our last Anonymous Questions posting, so I thought I’d catch up, as I have a couple of questions that I haven’t yet answered.  For those who are new to the site, these questions are all gathered from our anonymous

Have you’ve broken your wedding vows?

In our culture, when we say someone “broke their vows”, we automatically jump to thinking they had an affair or got divorced.  But I think many of us are breaking our vows daily. What did you promise at your wedding?  Now, I don’t know exactly,

Post-sex dynamic and routines survey

Well, it’s time for another survey. I’ve received a few questions (including one from Keelie over at, that I thought I could roll into a survey.  We’re asking questions about what happens after sex, refractory periods, and the like. We appreciate you being willing

How to stop feeling hurt so often

My spouse is in a unique position to hurt me more deeply and more often than anyone else, simply by being in an intimate (not just physically) relationship with me.  She knows how to push my buttons better and harder than anyone else, and I

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