2013 Annual Review

Jay Dee

2013 Annual Review

Jan 08, 2014

Well, another year has passed.  Sex Within Marriage will be 2 years old in a couple weeks time and it’s been an amazing experience.  I’ve learned a lot about blogging, Social Media, and search engine optimization in an effort to give more people access to

2013 Annual ReviewWell, another year has passed.  Sex Within Marriage will be 2 years old in a couple weeks time and it’s been an amazing experience.  I’ve learned a lot about blogging, Social Media, and search engine optimization in an effort to give more people access to a community of believers where they can have a safe place to discuss sex within their marriage.  We also went through a redesign of the blog and social media pages, which I got a lot of positive comments on.

Moving forward we have a few plans for this year.

Last week, my wife wrote her first blog post here at Sex Within Marriage.  I’m so proud of her for writing it.  It’s quite outside of her comfort zone, but her post inspired a fair bit of discussion.  Quite the transformation from where we were not so many years ago.  She’s hinted at possible writing a series in the future, or at least more post, so I’m looking forward to that and hope you are as well.

Also, last year I started classes to train to become a Certified Christian Life Coach.  I love getting emails or comments from readers looking for someone to talk to about their marriage (or any issue really), I like to help people to figure out what the next steps are in their life and form a solid action plan for moving forward.  So, I thought I would invest the time and money into learning how to do it more effectively in order to serve the community better.  For those wondering what a Life Coach is, Life Coaching is about helping you to get to the next level in life.  About exploring your life purpose, your dreams, your vision for the future, and helping you to set goals for yourself in how to get there, and walking along side you to keep you accountable to your goals.  So, I’m planning to leverage some of these skills in order to help people to get the most out of their marriage, and out of life.

I’ve been guest posting here and there this year, and plan to continue to do so.  In fact, some might have noticed, I’ve become a contributor blogger over at ABiblicalMarriage.com, coincidentally, one of my posts was published today, How Follow Through On New Year’s Resolutions.  While that one is geared for the turning of the new year, posts there will be more about other aspects of marriage not related to sex, so if you are looking for more of my writing, you can head over there as I’ll be posting about one a month for that blog.

I’ve also been working on being more scheduled in my writing.  I’ve had a bad habit, since launching this blog, of writing in bursts.  Sometimes three posts a week, sometimes none for a month.  I have a schedule now that I’ve been fairly rigidly following (except for Christmas day, sorry), of posting every Wednesday and plan to follow that schedule for the foreseeable future.  So no more wondering when the next post will occur.

I’m looking forward to 2014, more research, more surveys, more discussions and community to talk about Sex Within Marriage.

For new readers, or if you missed some:

Most read posts written this year

  1. My wife wants me to tie her up?!
  2. Is it OK not to swallow?
  3. Is masturbation a sin?
  4. Are sex toys allows in a Christian marriage?
  5. How do I get my wife or husband to do [blank]?

Most commented posts*

*Excluding the above 5

  1. You don’t have time for sex?
  2. Is sexual sin worse than other kinds of sin?
  3. Is it okay to track how often you have sex?
  4. I want my husband to want me
  5. Where is the line between biblical submission and being a doormat?

Most shared on Facebook

  1. Most dangerous day of the year for couples
  2. Why don’t I give my wife more massages?
  3. How does porn use harm a marriage?
  4. What happened to sex when Christianity split from Judaism?
  5. Does my husband still find me attractive?

Your Turn

Is there anything you’d like to see, see more of, see less of in the coming year?  Any topics you’d like to have addressed or features added?  Let me know, the space below is for you to share anything you wish about moving forward into 2014 regarding Sex Within Marriage.

4 thoughts on “2013 Annual Review”

  1. AverageMarriedDad says:

    Congrats! You run a really great site and it’s cool to see you try and leverage that into new business. Life coaching is something I’ve looked into as well and think it is a very worthwhile endeavor. Good luck on your pursuits and we’ll all keep reading!

    1. Jay Dee says:

      Thanks, I’m glad you like it. I appreciate the encouragement.

  2. MJK says:

    Thanks for putting together a blog for encouraging Christian married couples in the bedroom.

    1. Jay Dee says:

      Thanks for being a part of the community. I don’t think this blog would be nearly as helpful if it wasn’t for the people commenting.

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